Wednesday 26 September 2012

end of week 8

Fairly uneventful week I think.  Done around an hour and 10mins walking each day and he's been back to what he would normally be like to hack - nicely forwards and far too jumpy but not completely mental.

Is now being fed 3kg hay a night as grass has really stopped growing and wearing 100g rug.  Rest of feed/supplement regime the same.

Finally start trot work next week!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

End of week 7

Trot work is getting closer!  I did let him trot a few strides today as he felt like he might explode otherwise and he felt ok so that is good :)

So we have done another week of walk work - this time at an hour a day.  He has been very sparky and spooky and full of himself.

Still 2 wks to go before trot work starts - will try and do 1hr15mins of walk this week.

Still out 24/7.  Have made his fields slightly bigger but the grass is getting quite eaten down now so will be needing hay soon.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

End of week 6

Not a lot to report!

A very boring week of 45mins walking on the road every day.  Moved from CCC back to Winning Edge at the weekend.  Yest and today he has been very sparky - typical spooky sharpness though rather than complete mentalness and better than complete deadness that we had last week.  Still out 24/7.  Still on extra Mg and Optimax.  No ACP.

Move up to an hours walking from tomorrow then only 3wks to go before we can introduce some trot - yay!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

End of week 5

Wed and Thur - 45mins round the roads all ok.

Been out 24/7 since Thur evening and is visibly piling on the pounds but seems much happier.

Had Fri/Sat off as was at Burghley.

Had 10 ACP BID Thur/Fri/Sat - not had any since.

Started equifeast optimax and extra Mg on Thur.  No supplements Mon/Tue.

Hack with Sox Sunday evening - behaved like a donkey whole way round.

Hack by himself Mon/Tue/Wed - considering no ACP is behaving much better - more like his normal self - jumpy/spooky but not wired.  Went in the riding field last night as too dark to go out - did some large circles, bit of leg yield and otherwise just plodded round the edge of the field - super boring stuff.

Feedwise is getting handful of D&H Convalescence Mix, handful of Good Doer and handful of Fast Fibre BID to mix supplements with.

Did 55mins hack today and all was fine.  This is our last week at 45mins so going to aim to do more like 50mins then we're ready to move up to an hour from next Wed.