Trip out for the furry orange one. He still is not travelling as well as he used to. Loses balance round left hand bends although not as bad as he did just after he injured his leg. Am definitely going to take him back to Liphook in May before the insurance runs out and see what they think of him. He feels sound and he moves ok, but I dont think as well as he used to. I dont think I can sell him as I really worry what would happen to him but I wonder if I might be able to loan him out for hacking, sponsored rides, showing and some local dressage. He does really need some riding though so it would have to be someone pretty competent. We shall see what happens over this summer. I could do without another winter with 3 horses!
Anyway, toddled off to Priory with him, nice short journey. No plaiting required as he currently looks very Welshie carrying a bit more weight than last yr! Started with P4. No white boards as the arena is the right size. Sand was very very deep - wont be in a hurry to go back there! Bit tense, but not too bad. We'll excuse the bit where some numpty decided to unload their horse right next to the school just as I was doing my medium walk half 10m circles and he launched himself into the air at the noise the horse made coming down the ramp. He did charge down all 3 centre lines and was generally on a bit of a mission. Took me a lot to hold him but generally it wasn't too bad. He got 68.64% and was 4th out of 17.
10min rest, completely sweaty knackered horse and straight into the indoor for P12. He has always hated it in there. Thought I managed to hold together the trot work ok, but the canter work was quite awful! He didn't want to go within 2m of the white boards at either end so our shapes were interesting and he was very tense. Dont know how we managed 64.4% from a List 5 judge but hey ho. If you think on Friday Monty only managed 61% and his test was sweet and well mannered, there's no way Llewi deserved more but that's dressage for you. He came 3rd in this test out of 27!!! Not seen sheets yet so no idea on comments.
There are videos but they're not exciting and take hours to load so might give them a miss!
Pleased to have got him out again - not sure where is next for him. Would like to have shown him on Easter Monday but his coat is awful at the moment so no point going when he looks such a mess. Prob find some dressage for him in May, hopefully outside! Plan is to up my BD membership to competing at renewal in July and then get him out to some music qualifiers and some BD prelims to qualify for area festivals.
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Sunday, 17 April 2011
Tweseldown unaffiliated Horse Trials 80cm. Monty. 15-04-11
So, as I work all of 10mins away went to walk the course yesterday in my lunch break. Not much to worry about except the dreaded haycart I fell off at a few wks back had moved and acquired a load of straw bales which gave me a slightly sleepless night. Punched a load of extra holes in my new breastplate to make the martingale straps a bit more effective in the hope of a bit more control and fell asleep dreaming of jumps!
up at 6am to get there for 8.15am which gave us plenty of time as dressage at 9.47. He enjoyed a nice massage from his Equilibrium pad while we studded up then walked the very long walk up to the dressage warmup as we were parked by the SJing. They were just starting the show-jumping as I tacked up which got his attention. Dressage warmup went well until people started warming up for XC and the tannoy started going. Got him settled again though and have to say he was doing the nicest, softest work he's done in a long time so was v pleased with him. Went up to my arena and the little beast threw a nappy hysterical fit at being asked to walk round the outside of the white boards. Fortunately the judge was on her break but I suspect she might have caught sight of it on the way back to her car as it was quite impressive. He pretended to spook at a white board then spun to the left, rearing in the process, did some impressive Spanish Riding School leaps to the side, even more so when I insisted he turned back to the right (remembering advice from on here last week!). Dug him in the sides with a spur, v pleased I put them on as no whip, and he gave in and turned back into nice, normal pony. Trotted happily around the outside, all soft and lovely again. Went in and tried the odd spook but in general did the nicest test he's done since I've had him. Really struggle with keeping him round in the upwards transitions but today's were a million times better than usual. Judge didn't quite agree and we got 39 (only a 6 for his FWLR, normally gets 8's!) - thought 39 was slightly on the stingy side but hey ho. It put us about 17th after dressage (44 in section).
Quick change of tack and into the SJing. Little nervous as for some reason he's been taking the mick recently with his jumping but needn't have worried. Stormed over all of the warmup fences. My heart was pounding as we waited to go in but he blitzed the course. We had some slight issues with him only changing legs in front and then ignoring my requests to slow down and change legs behind so we got in a tangle to a couple of fences but he cleared them all fine including the horrible last fence - skinny rainbow stile. Good pony!
SJ vid:
pinging over fence1:
fence 4 the planks:

fence 8:

scary fence 9:

on the way to fence 9 - look at that expression

so, clear round out of the way, no idea of dressage score at this stage, onto the XC. Few minor tack and dress alterations and over to the warmup. He was pinging - flew the warmup fences no probs. Well, apart from when some idiot jumped one the wrong way just as I was coming at it from the right way and we nearly had a headon crash. I'm not normally one for confrontation but as she ignored me saying she was jumping it the wrong way I went and had a word as didn't want that to happen again! She just mumbled something about it being her first time and she didn't know. I mean, come on - how on earth do you get yourself into the XC warmup of a ODE and not have learnt that red flags go on the right! I saw someone else jumping the SJ warmup fences the wrong way later on. The stewards seemed oblivious to the dangers and did nothing. Grrrrr.
Anyway, after our near crash jumped it again nicely and was then sent down to the start box with 90secs to go. Right next to the finish - not a good plan! Managed 30secs there before we had a 30second rearing napping plunging fit when a horse came through the finish. Fortunately stayed on (that would have been embarassing!) and made it into the start box where he calmed down and the timing judges finished laughing! So off we went, bit of a funny line over no.1 as had to turn right afterwards not carry on down the hill so took that one a bit cautiously but then stormed over 2, sharp left up the hill, down the other side, past loads of other jumps until finally got to 3 A and B which was a log to a brush, no probs there. Raced up alongside the racecourse to jump 4 and then tried to steady up coming to 5 which had a little ditch in front of it so needed a bit of riding but was followed by a 90degree bend to a hanging log with a drop followed by downhill and round to fence 7. Well, the brakes just didn't happen, and we ended up doing a handbrake turn followed by a launch over the log which nearly saw me eat some dust and def wasted a lot of time. (see video!)
XC vid:
then down to 7 which worried me as very easy to run out at but popped it sweetly and managed the 90degree turn to 8 no probs (we can turn left, but not right!), over the log pile at 9 then a horrible twisty wiggly line round the Intro corner and over a little ski jump then down a hill. He got confused by all the other jumps and all the turns and wasted a bit more time spooking at nothing much (best if kept going fast so he cant see stuff to spook at!). Then down to the coffin at 11ABC - they'd cleaned the ditch out so he half looked at that on the way over but gave him no option but to jump C and then 12 was a log just afterwards, no probs. Foot down for a bit, along past the sunken road and round the corner to a skinny log - concerned as he's been running out lots at skinnies but no probs, over towards the water and over 14 another hanging log then steadied again for the water - trotted through both lots no probs and then round over another skinny before up into the woods and then down and out and there was the dreaded haycart. Well, needn't have worried - he locked on, I might have given some loud encouragement and he flew it without hesitation. Flew up over the chair and the final fence and galloped strongly through the finish. Took me a while to pull him up - certainly fit! He was breathing normally before I was! No pics of the XC - photographer was at the smallest fence on the course and the drop that I buggered up royally. Why wasn't he at the haycart?!
So, the bit you've prob just scrolled down to read - we ended up with 10.4 time penalties XC which put us on 49.4 and 6th out of 44. 1st was on 42 or something like that so my lack of brakes and steering cost us dearly and if anyone has any suggestions as to what I could try next I would appreciate it. We ran today in a french link snaffle and flash noseband. If i put anything too strong in he tends to back off and I dont want that, but I do need a bit more control so I can gallop on and then get him back quicker without the fight!
my frillie:

Cookie dough ice-cream if you made it to the end!
He is having a little holiday now before picking him up again for the unaff 90cm at Mattingley. I bit the bullet and registered us with BE so planning on doing the BE90 at Tweseldown end of May as our first affiliated! I'm loving this eventing thing - can see why you guys all love it so much. Not so enthralled with 6am start and that's with living down the road - I forsee it getting earlier!
up at 6am to get there for 8.15am which gave us plenty of time as dressage at 9.47. He enjoyed a nice massage from his Equilibrium pad while we studded up then walked the very long walk up to the dressage warmup as we were parked by the SJing. They were just starting the show-jumping as I tacked up which got his attention. Dressage warmup went well until people started warming up for XC and the tannoy started going. Got him settled again though and have to say he was doing the nicest, softest work he's done in a long time so was v pleased with him. Went up to my arena and the little beast threw a nappy hysterical fit at being asked to walk round the outside of the white boards. Fortunately the judge was on her break but I suspect she might have caught sight of it on the way back to her car as it was quite impressive. He pretended to spook at a white board then spun to the left, rearing in the process, did some impressive Spanish Riding School leaps to the side, even more so when I insisted he turned back to the right (remembering advice from on here last week!). Dug him in the sides with a spur, v pleased I put them on as no whip, and he gave in and turned back into nice, normal pony. Trotted happily around the outside, all soft and lovely again. Went in and tried the odd spook but in general did the nicest test he's done since I've had him. Really struggle with keeping him round in the upwards transitions but today's were a million times better than usual. Judge didn't quite agree and we got 39 (only a 6 for his FWLR, normally gets 8's!) - thought 39 was slightly on the stingy side but hey ho. It put us about 17th after dressage (44 in section).
Quick change of tack and into the SJing. Little nervous as for some reason he's been taking the mick recently with his jumping but needn't have worried. Stormed over all of the warmup fences. My heart was pounding as we waited to go in but he blitzed the course. We had some slight issues with him only changing legs in front and then ignoring my requests to slow down and change legs behind so we got in a tangle to a couple of fences but he cleared them all fine including the horrible last fence - skinny rainbow stile. Good pony!
SJ vid:
pinging over fence1:
fence 4 the planks:
fence 8:
scary fence 9:
on the way to fence 9 - look at that expression
so, clear round out of the way, no idea of dressage score at this stage, onto the XC. Few minor tack and dress alterations and over to the warmup. He was pinging - flew the warmup fences no probs. Well, apart from when some idiot jumped one the wrong way just as I was coming at it from the right way and we nearly had a headon crash. I'm not normally one for confrontation but as she ignored me saying she was jumping it the wrong way I went and had a word as didn't want that to happen again! She just mumbled something about it being her first time and she didn't know. I mean, come on - how on earth do you get yourself into the XC warmup of a ODE and not have learnt that red flags go on the right! I saw someone else jumping the SJ warmup fences the wrong way later on. The stewards seemed oblivious to the dangers and did nothing. Grrrrr.
Anyway, after our near crash jumped it again nicely and was then sent down to the start box with 90secs to go. Right next to the finish - not a good plan! Managed 30secs there before we had a 30second rearing napping plunging fit when a horse came through the finish. Fortunately stayed on (that would have been embarassing!) and made it into the start box where he calmed down and the timing judges finished laughing! So off we went, bit of a funny line over no.1 as had to turn right afterwards not carry on down the hill so took that one a bit cautiously but then stormed over 2, sharp left up the hill, down the other side, past loads of other jumps until finally got to 3 A and B which was a log to a brush, no probs there. Raced up alongside the racecourse to jump 4 and then tried to steady up coming to 5 which had a little ditch in front of it so needed a bit of riding but was followed by a 90degree bend to a hanging log with a drop followed by downhill and round to fence 7. Well, the brakes just didn't happen, and we ended up doing a handbrake turn followed by a launch over the log which nearly saw me eat some dust and def wasted a lot of time. (see video!)
XC vid:
then down to 7 which worried me as very easy to run out at but popped it sweetly and managed the 90degree turn to 8 no probs (we can turn left, but not right!), over the log pile at 9 then a horrible twisty wiggly line round the Intro corner and over a little ski jump then down a hill. He got confused by all the other jumps and all the turns and wasted a bit more time spooking at nothing much (best if kept going fast so he cant see stuff to spook at!). Then down to the coffin at 11ABC - they'd cleaned the ditch out so he half looked at that on the way over but gave him no option but to jump C and then 12 was a log just afterwards, no probs. Foot down for a bit, along past the sunken road and round the corner to a skinny log - concerned as he's been running out lots at skinnies but no probs, over towards the water and over 14 another hanging log then steadied again for the water - trotted through both lots no probs and then round over another skinny before up into the woods and then down and out and there was the dreaded haycart. Well, needn't have worried - he locked on, I might have given some loud encouragement and he flew it without hesitation. Flew up over the chair and the final fence and galloped strongly through the finish. Took me a while to pull him up - certainly fit! He was breathing normally before I was! No pics of the XC - photographer was at the smallest fence on the course and the drop that I buggered up royally. Why wasn't he at the haycart?!
So, the bit you've prob just scrolled down to read - we ended up with 10.4 time penalties XC which put us on 49.4 and 6th out of 44. 1st was on 42 or something like that so my lack of brakes and steering cost us dearly and if anyone has any suggestions as to what I could try next I would appreciate it. We ran today in a french link snaffle and flash noseband. If i put anything too strong in he tends to back off and I dont want that, but I do need a bit more control so I can gallop on and then get him back quicker without the fight!
my frillie:
Cookie dough ice-cream if you made it to the end!
He is having a little holiday now before picking him up again for the unaff 90cm at Mattingley. I bit the bullet and registered us with BE so planning on doing the BE90 at Tweseldown end of May as our first affiliated! I'm loving this eventing thing - can see why you guys all love it so much. Not so enthralled with 6am start and that's with living down the road - I forsee it getting earlier!
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Wed 6th Apr - Merrist Wood with the orange boys
Wed evening dressage - P14 for both boys.
Monty first. Slightly longer warmup than normal as only one test and worked very well. Did his best test so far. Staying much rounder and softer throughout, even in the upwards transitions. Really pleased with him. 65.83% and 5th out of 24. He got an 8 for his FWLR and a 9 for his final halt!
Llewi up next - less warmup for him as not fully fit yet. Took him in, bit spooky walking round on the left rein as expected. Changed the rein, came round to the top corner and he nearly ditched me with a mega spook. Little monster! Then halfway down the longside he kicked up a bit of surface by having another spook which then bounced off the white board, the side of the school and landed on the ledge in front of him! He nearly went into meltdown. Once we started the test though it wasn't too bad. He even managed an 8 for his FWLR. He got 62.5% and was 11th out of 24, but only 2 marks behind 7th so v close! He was quite tense in the canter work but a lot better than it could have been considering he hates that place!
Overall, very pleased with the orange boys. Looking forwards to getting Llewi out more - really want to crack on with Novice as keeps his little brain busier but he needs to buildup more strength first. And hoping that this might be start of getting some nice work from Monty and we can also crack on with Novice. Aim to get them both qualified for Area Festivals by Sep.
Monty first. Slightly longer warmup than normal as only one test and worked very well. Did his best test so far. Staying much rounder and softer throughout, even in the upwards transitions. Really pleased with him. 65.83% and 5th out of 24. He got an 8 for his FWLR and a 9 for his final halt!
Llewi up next - less warmup for him as not fully fit yet. Took him in, bit spooky walking round on the left rein as expected. Changed the rein, came round to the top corner and he nearly ditched me with a mega spook. Little monster! Then halfway down the longside he kicked up a bit of surface by having another spook which then bounced off the white board, the side of the school and landed on the ledge in front of him! He nearly went into meltdown. Once we started the test though it wasn't too bad. He even managed an 8 for his FWLR. He got 62.5% and was 11th out of 24, but only 2 marks behind 7th so v close! He was quite tense in the canter work but a lot better than it could have been considering he hates that place!
Overall, very pleased with the orange boys. Looking forwards to getting Llewi out more - really want to crack on with Novice as keeps his little brain busier but he needs to buildup more strength first. And hoping that this might be start of getting some nice work from Monty and we can also crack on with Novice. Aim to get them both qualified for Area Festivals by Sep.
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