Simon lesson on Sunday afternoon.
Started with getting forwards and stretching in the trot. Then picked him up in the walk and worked on a different lateral work on a circle exercise this week. This time it involved spiralling into the smaller circle then asking for inside flexion and pushing the quarters out - he seemed to find this quite hard work but it really encouraged him to soften and accept the contact. Then moved straight out of the small circle and into trot on the 20m circle and we had some fab trot going on.
Also did work on trot, walk 4 strides (not steps) trot, then 3 strides, 2 strides, 1 stride, getting good forward reaction into trot and also not letting him drop the front end in the downwards transition - he tends to just stop the front end without bringing the back end under and through which almost pushes me out of the saddle so had to keep the hindlegs coming through which kept the forehand lighter during the transition.
Then we did some canter work - worked on straightening the neck so riding inside leg to outside hand almost outside flexion (remember to keep him forwards as he tends to collect automatically as soon as you straighten). Once straight, then ask for inside flexion and forwards and we got some really lovely canter. Then worked on bringing the canter back a little using seat and leg before pushing on again and then getting nice forwards engaged transitions to trot and suddenly the trot he produced was amazing - pinging, pushing, soft, fabulous - definitely a 9 sort of trot. The canter work really helped the trot. Really good session :)
Monday he got to go on the hunt fun ride which he loved - far too excited to jump half the jumps as too busy bouncing around like a tigger but nice to see him having lots of fun. The brush fences we jumped he cleared full height - he was just showing off!
Day off yesterday then schooling tonight and he was great. Tried to follow a similar pattern to the lesson on Sunday - got some lovely trot stretch to start with. Then did the walk exercise followed by the trot-walk-trot exercise and then some canter work. Got our best canter to walks so far - felt like he was flowing forwards much better and not nose diving. Still need him more off my leg esp in walk to canter but in general concentrated on not nagging him with the leg and getting him to maintain his own forwardness. Did some good trot-halt and some rein back and also have started introducing some counter canter on a circle so been doing some canter figures of 8 which he is getting quite good at. We had some good pingy trot again and he finished with a really lovely trot stretch on both reins. Tomorrow must remember to work on some centre lines as they're a bit of a weak point and also need to try and do some lateral work in trot to help his suppleness. Really pleased with him at the moment :)
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Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Monty Borde Hill unaff 90cm 21-08-11
What a fab day!
Started last night with a great evening round Helen's house which involved drinking nearly a bottle of wine (just finishing it now!) and staying up till 1am but it was a good plan as it meant I only spent another hour fretting about the double of hedges that we've already jumped fine and then finally got to sleep at 2am (would have no doubt been awake all night without the wine!)
Had a lovely lay-in (7.45am is a lie-in where eventing is concerned!) then leisurely toddled off to Borde Hill - got there about 10.30, eyed up the SJing course, no slot for walking it so watched a couple of others, decided better off not walking distances anyway as it makes me fiddle - just kick on!
Had decided not to walk the XC as same course as May so reviewed the piccies on my phone, thought through the route and went off to the dressage warmup.
No napping today which was a pleasant surprise - bit of gobbyness about being asked to work properly and then got himself all tense about nothing 5mins before due in and just managed to settle him down before we got called up. Our arena was on the side of a mountain (I'm not kidding!). Poor horse was having to do canter transitions up a 10% gradient and then we got told off for them being hollow - poor thing is only at Prelim/Novice level - he struggles with uphill canter transitions on the flat, let alone picking his forehand off the floor up a steep hill! I was really pleased with the test. Was aiming for a sub 30 (have been close this season but not managed yet) but I thought more likely would be low 30's. I didn't find out till we completed but we got 32 - few 6's for hollow uphill transitions but otherwise all 7's, straight 7's for collectives and an 8 for final halt so pleased with that.
So, brisk walk back to the trailer, quick change and we made it to the SJ warmup with one before us to go (dr was at 12.06 and SJ 12.38 and dr is 10min walk from the box park and then getting to the SJ was a nightmare, queueing to get into the horse walk then following some really slow people down it!) Good thing horse was plenty warm enough as it was roasting so we just popped all the warmup fences once except the spread we did twice and then went in. He jumped a lovely clear, just touching the last as I saw a ridiculously long one and just kicked like mad as it was a big oxer uphill so no good holding on to him. So pleased as SJ is my nemesis and I tend to hold and fiddle for strides but today really thought about rhythm and just riding forwards.
Sorry about the lack of zooming in - forgot to explain that to Helen:
Onto the fun bit
Was trialling a new bit today - 2 ring snaffle with french link mouthpiece (normally just use french link snaffle but been carted last few outings so needed a bit more!)
Zoomed off over fence 1 although stuck in a short one:
Stuck in another short one at 2 launching me into the trees, pulled bits of leaf from my mouth and continued to a nice log at 3 followed by a double of roll tops at 4 and 5 where he felt like he was napping towards the dressage warmup on the right but gave him a slap down the shoulder and off we went. Down the steep hill spooking at everything then back up to the log which he popped nicely. Got a crap turn to the beer barrels and he stuck in a short one and clouted them on the way up but landed fine. Looking at the vid I think he got a bit disunited round the corner.
Onto the rolltop at 8 then the ditch that isn't really a ditch which he really looked at but leg on and away towards the double of brushes. Just getting focused, looking for my line and then fence judge comes running at me with a red flag! Could not believe it - could there be a worse place to be held??? We were held for about 5mins and all I could think about was the bloody hedges! It did give me a chance to get my breath back though as it was roasting hot by this point. Not a good horse to hold either as he really doesn't do aimless walking around or standing still and is extremely prone to napping!
Fortunately horsey was feeling pro today, didn't nap at all, calmly wandered around and then picked up where we left off, popped the first hedge, didn't think much of me holding him for 2 strides in the new bit and threw head in air which was a bit offputting coming into the 2nd hedge but jumped it well. Then on over a big oxer which we got in a bit close to but then got a fab shot at the big brush oxer and a lovely turn to the 2 logs on a right angle. New bit then allowed me to regain control over the hedgehog and make a nice turn to the log before the water (in May we had to come back to trot for these 2 as was totally out of control!), trotted through the water then flew the last 2 fences and kicked on for the finish as I'm rubbish at judging time!
Sorted horsey out, lots of ice packs on legs and cold water on him but he recovered very quickly (fittening work for the RC champs paying off!). The ground really wasn't that bad - I didn't walk the course but he ran over it really well and he is one to tell me if he doesn't like the ground.
Went over to the scoreboard and found our 32 dressage and most scores were up and we were in the lead but all depended on if we got time faults or not! Hung around for what seemed like ages and then they put up my time and we obviously flew round as were 23secs inside the time (which bodes well for our move up to BE100 soon) which meant we won!!! So, we got a lovely cheque for £70 (I like this unaffiliated series!) and a voucher for a free pic from the pro photographer - the lovely Spidge photography.
The roll top at 4:

Next up is the final one in the unaff series for us - Tweseldown in 2wks time. Before that we have a jump clinic with Richard Waygood which will be good and after that we have the Prelim Area Festivals before our first BE100 at Munstead and then the BE90 Regionals at BCA. Just need to keep improving our dressage, keep doing what we did today jumping wise and it's all good!
Started last night with a great evening round Helen's house which involved drinking nearly a bottle of wine (just finishing it now!) and staying up till 1am but it was a good plan as it meant I only spent another hour fretting about the double of hedges that we've already jumped fine and then finally got to sleep at 2am (would have no doubt been awake all night without the wine!)
Had a lovely lay-in (7.45am is a lie-in where eventing is concerned!) then leisurely toddled off to Borde Hill - got there about 10.30, eyed up the SJing course, no slot for walking it so watched a couple of others, decided better off not walking distances anyway as it makes me fiddle - just kick on!
Had decided not to walk the XC as same course as May so reviewed the piccies on my phone, thought through the route and went off to the dressage warmup.
No napping today which was a pleasant surprise - bit of gobbyness about being asked to work properly and then got himself all tense about nothing 5mins before due in and just managed to settle him down before we got called up. Our arena was on the side of a mountain (I'm not kidding!). Poor horse was having to do canter transitions up a 10% gradient and then we got told off for them being hollow - poor thing is only at Prelim/Novice level - he struggles with uphill canter transitions on the flat, let alone picking his forehand off the floor up a steep hill! I was really pleased with the test. Was aiming for a sub 30 (have been close this season but not managed yet) but I thought more likely would be low 30's. I didn't find out till we completed but we got 32 - few 6's for hollow uphill transitions but otherwise all 7's, straight 7's for collectives and an 8 for final halt so pleased with that.
So, brisk walk back to the trailer, quick change and we made it to the SJ warmup with one before us to go (dr was at 12.06 and SJ 12.38 and dr is 10min walk from the box park and then getting to the SJ was a nightmare, queueing to get into the horse walk then following some really slow people down it!) Good thing horse was plenty warm enough as it was roasting so we just popped all the warmup fences once except the spread we did twice and then went in. He jumped a lovely clear, just touching the last as I saw a ridiculously long one and just kicked like mad as it was a big oxer uphill so no good holding on to him. So pleased as SJ is my nemesis and I tend to hold and fiddle for strides but today really thought about rhythm and just riding forwards.
Sorry about the lack of zooming in - forgot to explain that to Helen:
Onto the fun bit
Zoomed off over fence 1 although stuck in a short one:
Stuck in another short one at 2 launching me into the trees, pulled bits of leaf from my mouth and continued to a nice log at 3 followed by a double of roll tops at 4 and 5 where he felt like he was napping towards the dressage warmup on the right but gave him a slap down the shoulder and off we went. Down the steep hill spooking at everything then back up to the log which he popped nicely. Got a crap turn to the beer barrels and he stuck in a short one and clouted them on the way up but landed fine. Looking at the vid I think he got a bit disunited round the corner.
Onto the rolltop at 8 then the ditch that isn't really a ditch which he really looked at but leg on and away towards the double of brushes. Just getting focused, looking for my line and then fence judge comes running at me with a red flag! Could not believe it - could there be a worse place to be held??? We were held for about 5mins and all I could think about was the bloody hedges! It did give me a chance to get my breath back though as it was roasting hot by this point. Not a good horse to hold either as he really doesn't do aimless walking around or standing still and is extremely prone to napping!
Fortunately horsey was feeling pro today, didn't nap at all, calmly wandered around and then picked up where we left off, popped the first hedge, didn't think much of me holding him for 2 strides in the new bit and threw head in air which was a bit offputting coming into the 2nd hedge but jumped it well. Then on over a big oxer which we got in a bit close to but then got a fab shot at the big brush oxer and a lovely turn to the 2 logs on a right angle. New bit then allowed me to regain control over the hedgehog and make a nice turn to the log before the water (in May we had to come back to trot for these 2 as was totally out of control!), trotted through the water then flew the last 2 fences and kicked on for the finish as I'm rubbish at judging time!
Sorted horsey out, lots of ice packs on legs and cold water on him but he recovered very quickly (fittening work for the RC champs paying off!). The ground really wasn't that bad - I didn't walk the course but he ran over it really well and he is one to tell me if he doesn't like the ground.
Went over to the scoreboard and found our 32 dressage and most scores were up and we were in the lead but all depended on if we got time faults or not! Hung around for what seemed like ages and then they put up my time and we obviously flew round as were 23secs inside the time (which bodes well for our move up to BE100 soon) which meant we won!!! So, we got a lovely cheque for £70 (I like this unaffiliated series!) and a voucher for a free pic from the pro photographer - the lovely Spidge photography.
The roll top at 4:
Next up is the final one in the unaff series for us - Tweseldown in 2wks time. Before that we have a jump clinic with Richard Waygood which will be good and after that we have the Prelim Area Festivals before our first BE100 at Munstead and then the BE90 Regionals at BCA. Just need to keep improving our dressage, keep doing what we did today jumping wise and it's all good!
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Monty BD Pachesham 17-08-11
Bit of a disaster getting there as the A3 was shut and we got stuck going through Guildford for over half an hour. I had planned to arrive around 5pm for my 6.22 test but we didn't get there until 5.35pm and then they had changed the parking around and couldn't see where to go so spent another 5mins working that out. Then my bridle number which I had carefully made up in advance decided to go walkies so had a huge stress about that and wasted another 5mins looking for it then making up my other one. Eventually made it on board at 6pm. 20mins is not enough time at all to warm up Monty. He needs plenty of time in walk to chill out then long and low before picking him up.
So we went into P19 feeling a little underprepared - haven't ridden that test for a couple of yrs either. 1st centre line was a bit wobbly but the rest didn't feel too bad. Got a good mix of 6's and 7's but lost marks in the collectives as judge told me off for hurrying him which I probably was in my efforts to get him forwards to the contact. I felt like he dropped behind my leg when we went in and as I didn't quite have the contact how I would have wanted I ended up pushing him flat instead of up and into the contact and containing the energy. Collectives were 7666 whereas last 2 times she's judged us we've had straight 7's and all through the test as well. Ended on 64.54 and were 3rd out of 7 in the qualifier, 5th out of 10 overall. Disappointed as the winner of the qualifier was only on 65.45 so if I'd just not rushed him and got a 7 for my riding like normal we'd have won and got the £30 prize money. Expensive traffic jam!
Having felt him behind the leg in the first test I was determined to get him off the leg and more up and together for N37 which is another Novice I've never ridden before (only did a few with Llewi and otherwise haven't done Novice since Dan and they've changed all the tests!) Most exciting thing of the day was me suddenly discovering a massive medium trot - I was watching it in the mirrors and he just powered - it looked amazing! I tried what we did with Simon on Sat, just let him slightly lower in the neck around the corner and then he launched into this huuuuge trot! Had to do it a few more times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke!
So, into the test and to me it felt like a disaster from beginning to end. The first halt went ok but then he lost balance a bit round the turn (7, lost connection on turn after lovely halt), then the square serpentine felt awful - felt like I was pushing him beyond what his balance could cope with, mega overshot V and ended up on a well wonky line to P (7, loosing connection), 10m circle right was a bit stiff (6), medium trot I went for the big steps I had in the warmup and overcooked it so he broke to canter (4, broke after promising steps-pity). Then he gobbed into the halt although did at least stand still (7) before performing a lovely rein back (8). I felt his free walk could have taken the contact down more but we still managed a 7 and another for the medium walk. 6 for the trot (not always to the bridle), 7 for the 10m circle left and 6 for the medium trot as big steps didn't quite come this time as I probably wasn't brave enough after the 1st attempt. Canter went ok and medium canter wasn't as crooked as last time but only 6 and needs to stay softer. 7 for the 20m circle right (softer now), 6 for the G&R across the short diagonal over the centre line (a little hollow) - generous as I threw the reins forwards, grabbed them back and he chucked his nose in the air which then resulted in an awful counter canter compared to his lovely ones last time so this time only a 6. 7 for the canter left and 20m circle then bizarrely a 7 for the G&R across the short diagonal (am sure he stuck his nose in the air again!) but again it affected our counter canter so only a 6, followed by the most atrocious final halt you've ever seen as he wouldn't stand straight or still so a 5 for that. I finished shaking my head in despair and embarassed that there had been people watching it!
We got 7667 for collectives and I nearly fainted when I saw the score of 64.64 which would have put us 2nd in the restricted out of 5 and 3rd overall out of 10 - he beat all but one of the Open riders. I was all ready to go and apologise to Sam (judge) for an appalling test when she came and said a huge well done! She said she was fed up of seeing horses going nowhere and mine and the 2 that followed me were the only ones ridden forwards all evening! Considering previously I have thought her fair but she does use the full range of marks so it doesn't take much to drop to a 5 I was expecting something in the mid 50's. If we hadn't broken the medium trot (and not been in the Training section) we'd have won the restricted and with a qualifying score and pocketed some more prize money too! And really with just a little bit more polishing the 9 marks he got below a 7 could very easily be improved up to 7's so I think he could do really well. I think the time may have come to register the Montster with BD! Although saying that, Wed evening BD at Pachesham is now over for the year so we need to adopt another favourite venue! All their winter BD seems to be on Saturday's which isn't a great day for us as work 3 out of 5.
Comments on the prelim:
An active test with promising work shown. Try not to hurry him out of his paces especially in trot as is causes his paces to become rather flat and problems with suppleness and balance.
Comments on the novice:
Super activity today. Now just tidy the connection more consistently and soften the base of the neck for consistently high marks. Well done today.
So, came home feeling a lot better than when I came out of the tests but next time need not to let the stress affect my riding as I really feel I didn't ride him very well at all. Sub 30 is my aim for Sunday - it's about time he got one as he deserves it - just need to remember to create impulsion without rushing him. Might see if I can find that fab medium trot again in the warmup too - school at home is just too small to even get going!
Anyway, aim of the evening was to get our 2nd area festival qualifying sheet for prelim which we managed so we'll be off to Wellie in a few weeks. Have got novice sheets galore now but the Novice is the day after Tweseldown so a bit much for him. Prelim is not until the Thursday. We'll save Novice for next yr. Clever poncy dressage pony.
So we went into P19 feeling a little underprepared - haven't ridden that test for a couple of yrs either. 1st centre line was a bit wobbly but the rest didn't feel too bad. Got a good mix of 6's and 7's but lost marks in the collectives as judge told me off for hurrying him which I probably was in my efforts to get him forwards to the contact. I felt like he dropped behind my leg when we went in and as I didn't quite have the contact how I would have wanted I ended up pushing him flat instead of up and into the contact and containing the energy. Collectives were 7666 whereas last 2 times she's judged us we've had straight 7's and all through the test as well. Ended on 64.54 and were 3rd out of 7 in the qualifier, 5th out of 10 overall. Disappointed as the winner of the qualifier was only on 65.45 so if I'd just not rushed him and got a 7 for my riding like normal we'd have won and got the £30 prize money. Expensive traffic jam!
Having felt him behind the leg in the first test I was determined to get him off the leg and more up and together for N37 which is another Novice I've never ridden before (only did a few with Llewi and otherwise haven't done Novice since Dan and they've changed all the tests!) Most exciting thing of the day was me suddenly discovering a massive medium trot - I was watching it in the mirrors and he just powered - it looked amazing! I tried what we did with Simon on Sat, just let him slightly lower in the neck around the corner and then he launched into this huuuuge trot! Had to do it a few more times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke!
So, into the test and to me it felt like a disaster from beginning to end. The first halt went ok but then he lost balance a bit round the turn (7, lost connection on turn after lovely halt), then the square serpentine felt awful - felt like I was pushing him beyond what his balance could cope with, mega overshot V and ended up on a well wonky line to P (7, loosing connection), 10m circle right was a bit stiff (6), medium trot I went for the big steps I had in the warmup and overcooked it so he broke to canter (4, broke after promising steps-pity). Then he gobbed into the halt although did at least stand still (7) before performing a lovely rein back (8). I felt his free walk could have taken the contact down more but we still managed a 7 and another for the medium walk. 6 for the trot (not always to the bridle), 7 for the 10m circle left and 6 for the medium trot as big steps didn't quite come this time as I probably wasn't brave enough after the 1st attempt. Canter went ok and medium canter wasn't as crooked as last time but only 6 and needs to stay softer. 7 for the 20m circle right (softer now), 6 for the G&R across the short diagonal over the centre line (a little hollow) - generous as I threw the reins forwards, grabbed them back and he chucked his nose in the air which then resulted in an awful counter canter compared to his lovely ones last time so this time only a 6. 7 for the canter left and 20m circle then bizarrely a 7 for the G&R across the short diagonal (am sure he stuck his nose in the air again!) but again it affected our counter canter so only a 6, followed by the most atrocious final halt you've ever seen as he wouldn't stand straight or still so a 5 for that. I finished shaking my head in despair and embarassed that there had been people watching it!
We got 7667 for collectives and I nearly fainted when I saw the score of 64.64 which would have put us 2nd in the restricted out of 5 and 3rd overall out of 10 - he beat all but one of the Open riders. I was all ready to go and apologise to Sam (judge) for an appalling test when she came and said a huge well done! She said she was fed up of seeing horses going nowhere and mine and the 2 that followed me were the only ones ridden forwards all evening! Considering previously I have thought her fair but she does use the full range of marks so it doesn't take much to drop to a 5 I was expecting something in the mid 50's. If we hadn't broken the medium trot (and not been in the Training section) we'd have won the restricted and with a qualifying score and pocketed some more prize money too! And really with just a little bit more polishing the 9 marks he got below a 7 could very easily be improved up to 7's so I think he could do really well. I think the time may have come to register the Montster with BD! Although saying that, Wed evening BD at Pachesham is now over for the year so we need to adopt another favourite venue! All their winter BD seems to be on Saturday's which isn't a great day for us as work 3 out of 5.
Comments on the prelim:
An active test with promising work shown. Try not to hurry him out of his paces especially in trot as is causes his paces to become rather flat and problems with suppleness and balance.
Comments on the novice:
Super activity today. Now just tidy the connection more consistently and soften the base of the neck for consistently high marks. Well done today.
So, came home feeling a lot better than when I came out of the tests but next time need not to let the stress affect my riding as I really feel I didn't ride him very well at all. Sub 30 is my aim for Sunday - it's about time he got one as he deserves it - just need to remember to create impulsion without rushing him. Might see if I can find that fab medium trot again in the warmup too - school at home is just too small to even get going!
Anyway, aim of the evening was to get our 2nd area festival qualifying sheet for prelim which we managed so we'll be off to Wellie in a few weeks. Have got novice sheets galore now but the Novice is the day after Tweseldown so a bit much for him. Prelim is not until the Thursday. We'll save Novice for next yr. Clever poncy dressage pony.
Sunday, 14 August 2011
lesson report 13-08-11
Went over to Chobham yesterday for a clinic with Simon.
Explained at the beginning things needing sorting - G&R in canter, centre lines not straight, medium trot across the diagonal not straight or medium.
We worked on spiralling in to smaller circle then leg yield back out, followed by counter flexion and spiral in then leg yield out followed by shoulder-in on the big circle then half pass spiral in, keep moving around the hindquarters before getting out of it and moving into trot or canter. It produced some great upwards transitions and some real quality trot/canter. Worked again in trot on the first 2 parts (not up to shoulder-in on a circle and HP spirals in trot yet) then moving on out into canter transitions and the resulting canter work was fabulous. Worked on having him more up and together now and he was really pinging :) In the canter we worked on collecting the canter with leg and seat then doing very quick G&R so catching him before he stuck his nose out. Explained that the reason he is poking nose out when give the reins is not because I'm holding him up in the canter but because coiling him up and collecting the canter is hard work for him and so if I give the rein away he just wants to escape the coil. We tried G&R in more of a forwards canter and it didn't go nearly as hollow although he still took the rein forwards. There was one on the left rein in the end that wasn't too bad so I think it's just something we're going to have to work super hard at. Fortunately eventing tests dont have it in but all the RC eventing tests do and lots of BD Novices do so it is something we need to crack. Doing N37 on Wed and that has it in twice across the short diagonal followed by counter canter down the long side - yuck!
We then did some centre lines which were dead straight so moved onto the medium trot. Worked on letting the neck out a bit round the short side rather than tightening and tensing in preparation for the medium trot, then as come onto the diagonal lift hands, leg on and amazingly a rather nice medium appeared - only a few strides at the moment but it will come.
At the end we worked on coiling up the trot, collecting it so that it was almost a walk and then letting it ping forwards and then a nice stretchy trot to finish. Very good boy. He is working so well now I really hope we can start getting some sub 30 dressage scores eventing as I'm sure he deserves them.
Explained at the beginning things needing sorting - G&R in canter, centre lines not straight, medium trot across the diagonal not straight or medium.
We worked on spiralling in to smaller circle then leg yield back out, followed by counter flexion and spiral in then leg yield out followed by shoulder-in on the big circle then half pass spiral in, keep moving around the hindquarters before getting out of it and moving into trot or canter. It produced some great upwards transitions and some real quality trot/canter. Worked again in trot on the first 2 parts (not up to shoulder-in on a circle and HP spirals in trot yet) then moving on out into canter transitions and the resulting canter work was fabulous. Worked on having him more up and together now and he was really pinging :) In the canter we worked on collecting the canter with leg and seat then doing very quick G&R so catching him before he stuck his nose out. Explained that the reason he is poking nose out when give the reins is not because I'm holding him up in the canter but because coiling him up and collecting the canter is hard work for him and so if I give the rein away he just wants to escape the coil. We tried G&R in more of a forwards canter and it didn't go nearly as hollow although he still took the rein forwards. There was one on the left rein in the end that wasn't too bad so I think it's just something we're going to have to work super hard at. Fortunately eventing tests dont have it in but all the RC eventing tests do and lots of BD Novices do so it is something we need to crack. Doing N37 on Wed and that has it in twice across the short diagonal followed by counter canter down the long side - yuck!
We then did some centre lines which were dead straight so moved onto the medium trot. Worked on letting the neck out a bit round the short side rather than tightening and tensing in preparation for the medium trot, then as come onto the diagonal lift hands, leg on and amazingly a rather nice medium appeared - only a few strides at the moment but it will come.
At the end we worked on coiling up the trot, collecting it so that it was almost a walk and then letting it ping forwards and then a nice stretchy trot to finish. Very good boy. He is working so well now I really hope we can start getting some sub 30 dressage scores eventing as I'm sure he deserves them.
Monday, 8 August 2011
RC Champs at Aston le Walls 5th to 7th August 2011
What I have to remember about this weekend is that this was only my 8th event with Monty and only my 8th event ever. My ever present super must be perfect at everything personality appears to be forgetting this!
We arrived on Fri teatime, settled him in then took him for a wander round the roads and tracks. Last half of phase C ran round the outside of the 2nd field of the XC which was interesting and meant for some very excitable horses on phase C!
Met up with poorlypony from HHO forum who kindly left a note on my stable door as mobile reception was diabolical. Gatecrashed High Wycombe RC who were amazingly friendly and welcoming to a complete stranger so if anyone from there is reading thanks for making my weekend brilliant fun! Sat up till late then headed back to my trailer only to find the airbed had gone flat. Very uncomfy night on the floor ensued!
Up early Sat for 9.40am dressage. Luckily had left heaps of time as predicted he might be a bit excited. Total nightmare to plait, broke free from the trailer, pawing and spinning. Got on an hour before our time and took him out to the 2nd quieter warmup field and did loads of walk and trot long and low until he chilled a bit. Then into proper warmup and all ok except the dreaded give and retake reins where he kept bogging off with his head in the air! Into the test and he did die on me a bit - prob overcooked the warmup but better than being totally out of control. The G&R's were both awful but the rest wasn't too bad if lacking a bit of sparkle. Was v pleased to see 33.2. Got 8 for his paces, rest 6's and 7's except 5 for 1st G&R so not too shabby. Ended up =12th after dressage out of 31 other indivduals.
Long wait until SJ so walked the SJ and XC course and watched some of the Intermediates. SJ v bright and v twisty!
Rubbish SJ warmup - he was backing off and crashing into things. Went in, picked him up, rode him and we got a fab clear - got in close to a couple of things but he was super and really tried for me.
So, that put us into 10th place overnight, but only 3.9pens behind 1st place and only 4.2pens ahead of 20th - all v v v close.
Went and walked XC again, still deliberating over fence 12 - bank complex with a left hand bend to a corner 3 strides after the drop down - turning not our strong point and he tends to launch off drops but the alternative was miles away and was gonna waste a lot of time.
fence 12:
Course pics (and individual results sheets) here:
Then went off and forgot about it and had a fab fun BBQ with the HWRC and poorlypony. Finally to bed and had a look at my course pics again before trying to sleep at about midnight. Huge thanks to whoever suggested taking earplugs when staying away as the team camps for the CIC** champs were having huge late night parties and I'd have got no sleep at all if it weren't for them. Managed to borrow a thin mattress from another kind HWRC member which made my night a lot more comfy although it was kind of chilly in the trailer so slept in jumper and socks!
Awake bright and early so went and fed the pony who hadn't eaten his dinner and had no intention of eating breakfast. Think he ate properly Fri night and that was it.
Went off and sat on the bank at fence 12 still trying to decide what to do, then rewalked the sunken road at 9 before my RC team manager called to say she'd arrived. Went off and watched the first few on the steeplechase then got the pony ready. He was completely wired again - pinging around all over the place not standing still for his boots etc.
Set off on roads and tracks phase A and trotted the first 1.5km then had a nice canter then just walked the last half km and came in a min under time.
Finishing phase A:
Steeplechase was excellent fun - did the first circuit in bang on a minute so then pushed on a bit for the second circuit and came in 7secs under time.
round we come:
woohoooo - love this one:
Straight onto phase C, kept to all our min markers, walked most of the last km and came into the ten min box with a HR of 60 which I was happy with. After 5mins it was down to 42 so we got the all clear to go which was a relief - be embarassing to get spun considering the vet was in my yr at vet school!
finishing phase C still pulling!:
getting vet checked:
all greased up and ready to go:
Off onto phase D and he jumped the first fine
after fence1:
Then he leant right round the left hand bend, napping back towards the 10min box - this should have been my wake up call - he can tend towards nappiness and has had to be led into the start on more than one occasion and this was a lot for him to deal with. I didn't really think enough about it though. He jumped fence 2 off to the right and gave it miles of room:
then flew onto 3 no probs, 4 was a corner and he sort of thought about going a bit right, but kept leg on and flew no probs. Backed off a bit coming to the double at 5 as random xmas tree stuck on the wrong side of the first part but jumped it well then flew the steeplechase brush at 6. After that we had to cross our tracks from the R&T and instead of turning left down the side of the field we had to go straight on into the next field. He tried to take me left, we had a discussion, I made him go straight on past the field boundary when he tried to go left again, we got straight for the double at fence 7 which was then right in front of us and he was still focused left, I was holding too much looking for a stride instead of kicking on and before I knew it he'd shot past it to the left. My jaw nearly dropped to the ground - this horse doesn't get jumping pens XC - he's a machine, a spooky one, but normally I can sit there and he does it for me as long as I point him at the right jumps.
This is fence 7:
I got my act together and he jumped it fine 2nd time, flew table at 8, I had planned to take the sunken road steady as the final element was on a long 3 strides downhill and was v skinny, but he was a star - locked on and didn't even think about running out. 2 easy let up fences next - a house and a log pile then a wiggle round some other jumps before the bank complex at 12. Tried to steady but he was running through my hands, leapt off the bank and I just didn't think I could turn to the corner, knew we had an alternative so decided to play safe and go for the brush alternative which he jumped fine then quick turn back to our original line. In hindsight maybe I should just have gone for the corner as we already had 20pens so weren't going to get placed and it would have been a good test, but he was tired and flat and not listening so opted not to teach him he could run out again! Then onto another double before the water splash with brush rolltop out which was fine
getaway from the water:
Flew the final fence still full of running. Ended up 17secs over so if we hadn't had the runout and then me easing up at the top of the course as couldn't decide whether to still press on or not it may well have still given us time to do the alternative at 12 and make the time. If we'd done that we'd have been 2nd! Even with a couple of time faults we'd have been top 6. Instead we were 26th out of 31. Gutted doesn't come close. We were so up there in contention and then one stupid mistake and it's all over. Well, it's certainly taught me a lesson or two. Need to attack my fences more and not trust him so much to do it all for me and walk courses looking for potential napping routes. Also think I need a bit more control XC so maybe a change of bit/noseband (currently in a french link full cheek and a flash as he doesn't like anything strong and will back off, but I really need him to listen and come back to me when we've got something difficult coming up).
So, a v disappointing end to a fab weekend, but a lot of first new experiences for us both and we're still a new combination really and it's a totally new sport for me so really trying not to kick myself too hard.
little vid of the steeplechase:
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