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Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Blenheim - Amateur Dressage Champs and Arena Eventing Champs

Nice easy run up to Blenheim to arrive on Thursday lunchtime.  First error - realised hadn't told farrier to put stud holes in again when he came on Monday - doh.  Fortunately the ground was excellent and he is pretty sure footed so wasn't too worried about doing a dressage test without studs.  The first warmup was lovely - nice, big field, he was lovely and chilled and felt like he was working really nicely.  However, we only got ten minutes before being ushered off on a 20min hack down a narrow track through the woods, past a bonfire and numerous other orange horse-eating objects.  There were several horses coming the opposite way and no other horses going our way until the end when someone overtook us which really upset him.  I wouldn't normally take him for a hack in a snaffle bridle, no martingale and a dressage saddle!  I think he thought he was on some kind of sponsored ride and was very tense about the whole thing.  We then came out of the woods into a grassy area where we had 5mins to warmup before our test.  There were several dressage arenas, XC jumps and the arena eventing arena with tannoy for him to get used in 5mins!  Needless to say that didn't really happen.  He was tense and not really taking me forwards in a relaxed fashion for the whole test which was a pity as he was very obedient.  He got 7's for the first two moves and an 8 for his free walk but otherwise all 6's/6.5's to finish on the same score as we did at Badminton which is about 5 penalties worse than his average mark.  35.8 - 11th out of 15.  Not our finest hour.  The hack back down through the woods was no less stressful.  At one point we met a whole RC team trotting straight towards us who didn't slow down even when he started standing on his back legs.  I had to shout at them to ask them to please walk.  It really wasn't fun and definitely wouldn't be on my list of things to go and do again in a hurry!  After that was over I paid a visit to the farrier and got him to put on my spare shoes complete with stud holes ready for the jumping on Sunday - expensive mistake that one!

Some photos thanks to the lovely Gary Horner:

This final halt probably sums up Monty's opinion of the whole thing!

Had a relaxing afternoon munching on bacon sarnies and chatting with friends then headed off to find our accomodation for the rest of the week.  Settled Monty into his little field which he found a little confusing but sure he was happier to be out than stuck in a stable and we parked up for the night.

On Friday we took the horsebox back to Blenheim to watch while Monty stayed at home and munched.  Met up with another friend for some shopping, watched some demos plus a lot of the arena eventing to see how the course was riding and chatted lots.  Managed to mostly resist the shopping - just a new set of reins.  Got back and did a little schooling session in the field with some trotting poles and a few little jumps including some on the angle to get his mind ready for the arena eventing.

Saturday I decided it was a good idea to ride my bike back to Blenheim as my other half had disappeared off to London to watch cricket and I didn't fancy getting stuck in XC day traffic in the horsebox.  I took rather a long route into Blenheim as may have misread the map and entrances slightly turning a 3mile cycle ride into an 8mile one!  Meant I missed the first few XC riders and arrived rather out of breath!  Camped out by the two flower pots on the mounds for a bit, then the coffin and spread to corners and then moved onto the main water for the majority of the class before finishing up at the Ariat Dew Pond for the last few.  Then watched the high jump and finished up with watching the CIC*** SJ then a slightly shorter cycle home.  The weather was lovely and it was a great day!  No work for Monty today - figured I'd done enough in the saddle for one day!  Also had come down with a yucky cold in the afternoon and was feeling pretty ropey by the evening.

Sunday I felt pretty horrid with cold and Monty seemed on edge from the moment I got him in, picking at his breakfast while I plaited him up.  We headed back to Blenheim with a few hours to spare before we were on so time to catch a bit of the CIC*** XC and watch a few more in the arena eventing.  They had parked us so the CIC XC ran literally past the back of the horsebox.  Poor Monts was eyes out on stalks!  Got on him and he was certainly forwards in the warmup, really attacking his fences which is always a nice feeling to get from him as he can be a bit stuffy at times!  Went into the arena and tried to give him a quick look around as the arena was rather full of things to look at.  Started off well, I tried to make sure I really rode forwards for the distances especially to fence 3 which was a one strided double going uphill, very brightly coloured and was riding long - watched a lot come in underpowered and chip in two strides.  We did that well, then got a good turn uphill to fence 4 which he took out in front for no particular reason, Rest of the SJ's went smoothly then onto the XC.  First two fine then sharp turn behind the big oak tree and a spread log jump which they had painted bright white and was right next to the edge of the arena where there was an Equitrek display of trailers.  I'm not quite sure what made him decide he didn't like it but 2 strides out he just shot out to the left - totally wasn't expecting that at what looked like quite a straightforward jump (although had seen it cause some stops on the Friday).  Naughty pony!  Got a slap on the neck and came round again and cat leapt it but we were over.  Onto the skinny lions - popped 3 strides in instead of two as was a bit backwards to the first then round to the angled brushes.  Saw a good stride in and rode for it (he was a little sticky but not really anywhere to run as left took him into the scary crowd so on we went and made the 2 strides.  Missed the sharp turn back we had planned to get a good line to the triple brush so had to do a ridiculous wiggle round in trot to get straight so didn't get a great jump over it but he was honest and straight.  Finished coming round to the 1m10 skinny plastic joker fence - great stride and he went straight through it with his front legs.  Disappointing round after he coped so well with it all last year but he was wired from the start this time.  Staying away in unknown places does really get to him.

First part of the bright double at fence 3:

2nd angled brush:

Once we got him back to the lorry I noticed blood spattered up his leg.  On closer inspection he had managed to tread on his heel and cut a slice into it.  No bleeding now and he let me clean it up no problems so stuck a bandage on for the journey home and berated myself for not putting overreach boots on him.  I never SJ in overreach boots but I think I will do from now even though it was the first time he's ever done anything like this in five years I'm still annoyed I could have prevented it with boots.  Not quite sure where he did it - whether he lost his footing on one of the turns or did it when he ran out or took the awkward jump after I don't know.

the original wound:

today with the flap debrided and looking like it's starting to heal already:

Well, he was due a holiday anyway so he'll have some time off now until it all heals over enough not to be sensitive although he has showed no signs of pain or lameness from it which is positive so I don't think it'll be too long.

To top off the weekend, on the way home we stopped off at my parents' house to drop off the bikes we had borrowed, got back in the horsebox and it wouldn't start!  3hours later we finally got Monty back to the yard via a rescue horsebox.  We had to leave mine where it was and it finally got rescued the next morning.

What an experience in more ways than one!

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Frensham Manor BD 12-09-15

Not been to Frensham for a few years now - nice, local venue with indoor school with lots of mirrors for warmup which is always handy!  Bit of a last minute decision to attempt to qualify for Advanced Medium Area Festivals after our half decent score in our first unaffiliated one a few weeks ago.

First test was 85 which I haven't ridden in competition before and just once in training.  In the warmup worked on hotting up the canter as we did in our lesson the night before. In the test I tried to concentrate on getting the more forwards trot we worked on in our lesson a few weeks ago.  As a result we did lose softness a little bit at times but this is all part of the journey towards a better quality trot.  I was also struggling with a sore back which makes sitting trot rather more of a challenge.  He got a bit confused in the canter HP's and I think he was anticipating changes so they were both a bit messy which is a shame as the right one has been coming on nicely recently.  The first simple change from counter canter to true canter at C was lovely.  The second one was spoilt by him spooking in the counter canter so losing the rhythm/balance and rather falling into walk.  Both flying changes happened on the aids though and I didn't forget where I was going!

Very chuffed to see a score of 63.824%.  He got 7.5 for his medium walk, 7's for walk to canter, medium canter, first simple change, transitions in and out of extended canter and the final down the centre line/halt.  5.5's for the canter HP both ways and the 2nd flying change, otherwise all 6's and 6.5's.  7, 6.5, 6.0, 6.5 for collectives.  "Paces regular. Horse needs to work in a more uphill self carriage for more engagement of the hindleg" - Mary Robley. Video shows he jumped together behind in the second change which is something we are working on but generally very happy for a first attempt.

Had just over an hour before 2nd test so he chilled out with some grass and then I went to watch a friend's test.  Quick warm up reminding him to take me forwards and in for AM92 - second attempt at this test.  Again, the forwards trot was essential.  Kept him a bit more on the bridle in the extended walk.  This time I pulled off the canter HP's but royally messed up all the changes!  So hard to get everything right, especially when it all comes up so quick.  First change he launched into, then need to quickly get into the HP to centre line, round the corner and across the short diagonal for a change right to left and he just launched in the air and didn't change at all so had to walk to get the correct lead in order to have a go at the 2nd change which was clean but hollow and same with the final one.  Once one goes wrong, the whole thing kind of falls apart!

Considering the mistakes pretty chuffed with 63.243% as so much more to come once we get it all more polished.  Managed another 7.5 for medium walk with 7's for the extended walk, the extended canter and the transitions in and out of the extended canter.  5's for the 3rd and 4th changes - late/close behind.  Amusingly the first two got 6's which is impressive considering I walked through the second one as it didn't happen at all!  Everything else 6/6.5.  A generous 6 for our extended trot which we don't actually have.  7.0, 6.0, 6.5, 6.5 for collectives. "Horse has regular paces but needs to be more engaged from the hindleg to develop more balance and self carriage" - Mary Robley.

So, that's a shiny 4 Advanced Medium points on our record now.  Half qualified for Winter Regionals and qualified for Area Festivals in one go.  And loads more to come with more practice.  Go Monts!

Next up, back to basics for the BE100 dressage champs at Blenheim on Thursday.  Hoping my back holds out for the arena eventing champs on Sunday too.

Photos from AM92:

Photos from the warmup:

SJL lesson MW 11-09-15

A lesson based on the moves in AM85/92 that I was doing the following day.  Explained have been having issues with the counter canter not being balanced and so the simple changes proving challenging.  Worked on hotting up the normal canter and his response to upwards/downwards aids so walk to canter, canter to walk on a 20m circle keeping the canter collected and his responses quick.  This really helped as meant I could collect the counter canter, keep him balanced round the corner and get the simple change back to true canter at C.  Before, the counter canter was getting long and unbalanced so he was on the forehand and couldn't sit to give me the transition to walk.

Having difficulty getting him straight across the diagonal for the flying change right to left so worked on leg yielding from the corner to the 3/4 line and back again to get him used to changes of bend without changing the leading leg.  Then try to leg yield a step before asking for the change.  This one needs homework.

We did manage some nice changes though - here is a 3 loop serpentine with good changes both ways:

Then some trot work, keeping the energy levels up - at the moment am losing the softness a bit from the increased forwardness but this should come back as he gets more used to giving me more energy.

Finally some canter to halt down the centre line - transition needs to be direct, not through trot or walk.  If only they were all as good as this one!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Goring BE100. 05-09-15

Put my back out mid week lifting a bag of feed so Goring was a bit in doubt for a few days but quick visit to my sports massage guy on Thursday set us right again although was very glad of my Back on Track back support for a bit of extra help.

Started off with a nice mid morning dressage.  They were running early so not much time to warm up but he doesn't need too much for a BE100 test.  Felt it was more forwards than last week.  Shame he just tripped on one of his trot circles and his halt at C wasn't great.  Also I was paranoid about him dropping back to trot early on the canters across the diagonal after last week so kept the canter more forwards which meant he just tipped on his forehand a bit in the downwards transitions.  Lovely final centre line and square halt to finish for an 8. Bit disappointed with 31.5 - 6,5marks worse than last week's effort in the same test but that's dressage for you.  Still top ten after dressage and XC causing plenty of problems.

Went off to walk the XC.  Much the same as last year.  They had changed the corner at 6 from a left one to right one which made me happy.  4 strides from a chair to the corner.  Causing lots of probs for some reason.  Then onto the trakehner which was also causing lots of probs.  Two skinny houses at 8 and 9 which walked on 4.  The double of tyres had become a single fence but a big patch of orange sand/gravel was left where the second one was so planned my route around that as know Monts well now and that's just the sort of thing he'll look at!  Step to arrowhead on sharp right turn at 10 as per last year.  Then up a steep hill to a combo of big brushes on 3 strides on a left hand curve before heading down to the water which included the step down this year.  They had taken out the fence with a roof under the trees so just onto the final one after.  More than a minute shorter than last week at Firle but quite hilly.

On to the SJ.  Had time to watch quite a few as no chance to walk it.  Looked quite small compared to Firle last week and much less technical.  Had a little blip in the warmup when he stopped at the oxer just before I was due to go in - it was uphill and I just didn't have the canter for it.  After last week's mishap at the big oxer where I killed the canter and he tried his hardest to clear it but landed on it he has clearly remembered and doesn't fancy that happening again.  I was going to have another go but someone else went to jump it and did the same demolishing it so I just popped the upright downhill and then it was time to go in.  Made sure to ride all the oxers nice and forwards.  Mostly it went nicely, he just spooked coming to fence 7 and lost the rhythm so ended up in deep and landed deep -with fence 8 being quite a small upright I sat and waited for 5 strides rather than pushing him flat for 4.  Then round and jumped the final double nicely for a clear round.  A little bit of confidence rebuilding to do at oxers for both of us before Blenheim I think as they will definitely be bigger than these were.

Fence 3:

Fence 4:

Final double fence 9:

Quick change and on to the XC.  Little bit sticky over the first one, this year the hay cart at 2 looking much less scary and he jumped that and the next few nicely.  Got a lovely stride to the chair to corner at 5 and 6 and flew the trakehner at 7.  For some unknown reason I didn't ride the 4 strides between the 2 houses at 8 and 9 despite a good shot so he cleverly stuck another stride in there.  Flew the tyres and avoided the gravel patch.  Galloping on well he popped the chair then the left side of the step which he ballooned making the right turn to the arrowhead a little dodgy but just kept kicking forwards and he responded.  On up the hill and try to get a wide turn to get straight for the 2 brushes so avoid having to turn between them but again neglected to ride forward enough between them and fortunately with the second bit just being an upright brush he could pop it from being quite close.  On to the water.  Got a great shot in and popped down the step then didn't ride forwards enough so ended up on a half stride up the step, tripped a bit and slotted in 4 strides before the final part.  Clever horse.

The wave before the water:

Up the final hill:

Up the steep hill, through the woods and over the finish before we knew it.  Monts barely out of breath and didn't even break a sweat.  Bit annoyed with myself for making him work harder than he needed to by adding strides in everywhere.  For some reason SJ I normally ride forwards for my strides now but XC I seem to want to add strides everywhere.  Must sort this out if we're going Novice any time!  I do think part of the issue now is that BE100 is seeming small and without the fear factor I'm forgetting to use my legs and attack.  Perhaps it is time to push on to Novice and find that fear factor and the buzz again!  Went back and checked out the Novice SJ which looked very much like the heights we have been jumping recently and nowhere near as terrifying as last year.

We ended up finishing 4th in a competitive section with lots of pros - won by Bruce Haskell followed by David Doel and Colina Pickles then us.  Lucinda Fredericks and multiple other pros in there too.  Another double clear inside the time for us.  Sixty top five finish in a row since Badminton!  Quite a record.  Quite a horse!

Next big outing for us is Blenheim in two weeks time - bit of SJ practice to do before then.  We have the dressage champs on the Thursday and the BE100 arena eventing final on the Sunday and lots of spectating in between.  Staying up there for the four days so looking forwards to that.

In the mean time we've got a couple of Advanced Mediums to do next Saturday in a vague last minute attempt to get some sheets for the Area Festivals at the end of October.