Saturday 26 October 2013

BSJA - Crofton Manor - 25-10-13

Very early start for Crofton Manor - never been before so wasn't sure how long would take and how much traffic but really easy run so will definitely go back.

Was pretty much first to go, they were still building course for British Novice when I got there.  It looked big enough for my first BSJA so decided to buy 2 tickets for that class and not worry about trying the 1m open.

Warmed up ok, if a bit lazy as usual.  Went into indoor and he was quite looky.  Predicted he would be - he can be quite a spooky thing when he wants to be.  Thought he might not like fence 5 which had rustic poles but funny wings.  Jump off only had 4 jumps but they were bigger than the rest.  12 fences in all.  As he was being looky he was a bit behind my leg and not going forwards enough hence got in short to 3 and landed short so I opted to hold for 6 strides as thought he might not make 5.  He almost stopped at no.5 but I was ready for him.  Looky at 6 too but got the curve right on 5 strides to 7, clear over the 1 stride double, big oxer at 9 then onto the JO - nowhere to cut corners so just kept him moving on and met everything spot on.  Yay - double clear in a good time.  We were only a fraction off being placed and I hadn't even thought about looking where the finish line was and kicking on for it as I wasn't actually trying for the time, just wanted to keep our forwards rhythm.

Quick wander round the warmup to get his breath back then in for another go.  This time I had him in a much better rhythm and made the 5 stride distance easily between 3 and 4.  He was still a bit looky at 5 and 6 and landed off to the right over 6 which meant we cut the corner and I crazily decided to try and fit 4 strides in the 5 stride distance and he chipped in and somehow left it up.  Just lost our canter quality a bit and then he got in a fraction close (not as close as to no.7) and just touched the rail on the way into the double.  Clear from then on though.  Despite the 4 faults I was much happier with that round as much more rhythmical.  Still having to really work to keep him on the forwards stride though.  He needs a rocket up his bum!

I looked at the 1m Open and the first part was fine but the JO did go up and out quite a bit and given his lack of forwardness I think good decision not to try that one just yet!

In the afternoon I went with Caroline to watch her lesson with Seb Poirier which was interesting as Womble has a lot of the same issues as Monty.  These are the things I really took note of:

  • break course down into bitesize sections and regroup in between each one, breathe out, calm and off you go again
  • he falls in and cuts corners on the right rein which makes distances too short
  • he falls out and jumps off to the right on the left rein making distances too long
  • practice, practice, practice

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