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Sunday 27 October 2013

Tracey lesson 27-10-13

Worked on getting him to go forwards from my seat aids today.  At the moment it's taking my leg aids to get his work suitable for a 7.  Need him to give me work for a 7 with no effort from me and use my leg aids to increase it to an 8.  In the canter especially he doesn't flex his hocks so need to get him sitting more behind.

So, started with walk to trot - need to tilt pelvis and think trot with my body.  For canter need to move inside hip forwards - that was easier as I use that aid anyway.  The trot was a whole new thing though so need to work on that.  To get him round in the halt need to wrap legs around and in and use them to lift his abdomen up so he can round over the back and soften in the halt.  Then move thighs backwards which will tilt pelvis forwards and keep him round in the rein back.  Must then move instantly forwards afterwards.

Tried to get him to do some half steps in the trot to try and get him to ping up and down rather than just pushing forwards. Don't think he really got it.  Had a lot of bum swinging from side to side but we did get a few half steps.

In the walk piris must remember to use my inside leg to keep activating the inside hind to march and not pivot.

Then did exercise medium canter up 3/4 line then collect and think working piri collected canter to the other 3/4 line then back down in medium canter.

Medium trot must not waterski - puts too much weight on his loins and makes him hollow.  Tried doing it standing in stirrups which was interesting but actually worked well.

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