Monday 18 November 2013

BD - Merrist Wood - 16-11-13

Back at Merrist Wood again on Saturday morning.

Started with the Prelim qualifier - P13 - trying to get last points for Regionals.  Warmed up with everything from our lesson the previous day fresh in my mind.  He has got a little split in the corner of his mouth at the moment and just as we were about to go down the centre line the bit must have caught it as he threw his head in the air and chucked it around for a few strides.  Fortunately he settled just in time to get straight onto the centre line.  Test was ok - nothing super special but accurate and obedient.  He won it on 67.5% which was just 0.5% of the score we needed to finish our qualification - rather frustrating!  Got 7's for all his right canter stuff, 7's at the beginning but 6's for left canter which is a bit back to front!  Only 6's for his walk work too - very odd for him.  8 for final trot across diagonal and 8 for final centre line which was ridiculous given the god awful totally unsquare final halt he did.  Comment for trot across diagonal was about keeping good swing in the corner though so lesson work paying off!  Final comment still involved needing to lighten the forehand - booooring!  Judge was Yvonne Huber.

Next test was N28 - judged by Mary Robley.  Managed to go wrong straight off the centre line by trying to start serpentine straight away when it actually starts at A - doh!  Then he broke into trot in the canter to try and have a poo!  His 2nd counter canter to trot was terrible as he tripped.  Medium trot wasn't great as he started spooking towards the end and then he did a tiny weeny jog in the final walk down the centre line.  Came out thinking it was totally terrible.  Totally gobsmacked to see our highest ever Novice score of 68.75%.  We basically got straight 7's with a 6 for medium trot and 8's for the 2 walk movements.  He got a 7 crossed out to a 5 for the break in canter and a minus 2 for my error - without losing those 4 marks he'd have got over 70%!  Gutted to have messed it up but optimistic for the future if he can score that well with me feeling it was awful!  She said he needed to lighten the forehand still, especially in the canter so homework is to get that sorted as fed up of that comment now!  He came 4th out of 16 in the Restricted and 8th of 21 overall.  Not bad!

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