Wednesday 2 July 2014

Eridge BE90 28-06-14

Bit of a last minute decision to go to Eridge to try and build on our positive XC round at Rackham last week.  Only got in off the waiting list on Tuesday evening.  Not done Eridge before - was meant to go in 2012 but Monty damaged his tendon a few weeks before so I just went to help a friend in the 100 instead.  The course was very hilly but the jumps were all friendly enough.  The only tough bit was a meaty square chair on the brow of an impossibly long, steep hill then swing out to the right, turn 90degrees left and go up a ditch/step then 2 strides to a skinny hanging roll top thing.  The alternative didn't take much longer as you just went a bit further up the track before tackling the step up which had the ditch filled in with a chair type thing and then a curved line to a wider hanging roll top thing.  No brainer really - never taken an alternative before but predicted I'd probably lose control a bit down the hill.  I thought he'd probably jump the direct route fine but we were out for a confidence giving round so no sense trying it.

direct route:


Rather warm after marching round those hills in the sunshine!  Onwards to the dressage.  He did his typical nice, sweet test.  A really beautiful canter to trot on the right rein which we got an 8 for.  Rather random 6 for his FWLR despite a comment saying good stretch and some lengthening of stride.  Otherwise straight 7's.  Scored 30 which was a bit low considering what he's been getting recently but actually best in class was 25.5 then two on 29.5 then us so well up there.

Onto SJ - tried to make sure I had him energetic and focused in the warmup but we kept disagreeing on strides - I kept thinking short given what happened at Stratford and he was inclined to be going on silly long ones.  I wish he'd make up his mind what he likes to do! Arena was quite spooky being completely surrounded by trade stands and at the top end a display of wooden tables and benches so I took him straight up there nice and close so he could see.  Jumped the first 3 perfectly then sharp right turn to a downhill 1 stride double.  Well, we totally disagreed on strides, he went on a really long one, floundered over it, no idea how he cleared it, I just sat up and slipped reins then kept leg on and he was really honest to jump second part as I had no reins.  Then found ourselves careering towards the collecting ring with no reins and downhill so no control - rather hairy!  Collected up my knitting and got him round the sharp turnback right to no.5 and he jumped it brilliantly - gone are the days we couldn't turn right lol!  Forwards 8 strides up the hill to no.6 heading into the wooden bench display - I saw a lovely stride before he decided to totally back off, add 3 strides and catleap it from a standstill landing on the back bar.  Idiot horse.  He really is a numpty sometimes.  He has jumped hundreds of show jumping rounds in spooky arenas yet still he acts like the stands will jump into the arena and eat him alive!  He backed off the next 3 fences which had quite spooky fillers but I was ready for him, legs pinned on and he jumped them really well.  Lucky to finish on just 4 faults - I just despair of his spookiness sometimes - will he ever grow up?!

Straight onto XC.  Warmup was horrid - really long and narrow and he was napping the minute we went in.  Jumped the practice fence and he was a bit wild.  Over to the start and he was thinking about being silly but Polly had a word with the starter and he just came over to us in the box and stroked Monty on the neck and chatted to me and before I knew it he whispered ten secs, then five and I just turned round and we were off.

I wasn't going for the time - I didn't want to chase him, I wanted time to set up for the fences, it wasn't a course I knew well and I didn't think we were in with a chance of placings on a score of 34 anyway so I set off intending to let him run between fences but make sure I had him where I wanted for the fences themselves.  He was a bit looky at the first few but listening and then we came to the mushrooms

Loads of people standing watching - I have crowd phobia after Badminton, it looked rather like the hanging rail entrance of the coffin with a few mushrooms for added distraction and the ground dropped away after too.  I didn't do anything drastic though - I don't think he likes being chased and growled into fences.  Collected him up, saw a nice stride and just sat there with leg on and he popped it beautifully.  Down a narrow track and up a steep hill which he nearly fell off the side of spooking at something in the bushes and then we had to do the closest to a coffin he has done since Badminton - house followed by steep slope down and then back up again - no ditch in the 90 but there was one just next door for the 100.  I felt him hesitate just slightly at the house but he popped over sweetly, down and up over the brush.

Kicked on up the hill before steadying up and leg on for a hay cart and then a 2stride double of cylinders which you could angle on a straight line or curve between.  Aimed to take them straight and he jumped them well.  Kicked on down a gentle slope over a steeplechase fence and then had to really anchor him up to jump the square chair thing at the top of the hill.  He popped over sweetly and then we were committed to the steep hill - I sat up and closed my eyes - I don't like heights and that was flipping scary - the sort of hill I'd pick my way down in walk if out hacking!  Didn't even think about the direct route as it took me the slight uphill to the alternative to regain some control.  He popped the alternative nicely.  Onto another house and then had to sit him right back for a log pile followed by steep slope down, right turn, up a steep slope next to the Novice steps and then double back on yourself to the right.  All those sharp turns SJ with Chris really paid off, as I just sat him down with his hocks underneath him, saw a great stride and popped over the second part brilliantly.

Onwards over a blue chair, a ditch palisade, another ditch palisade and then a steep climb to the final fence and the finish!  Whoop!  Really happy with another confident round from him and he didn't seem to find the hills too much hard work either.

Went over to check scores and was gobsmacked to see we had come in only 3seconds over the time so 1.2 time pens which put us into 3rd place out of 42 starters!  Another Regional Final qualification and some much needed prize money too.  Although I promptly spent that on this lovely collage with a couple of nice ones from the SJ, the double of cylinders and the house before the coffin without a ditch.

Had a really lovely afternoon chatting with my sponsor West Kent Saddles who had their stand there, chatting and admiring some lovely jump saddles.

So, we head into our summer break from eventing with three Regionals at 90 and two at 100 to aim for.  Some serious diary planning needed to work out which events will be best for him and which ones don't clash with work, Petplan Areas or the Blenheim Eventers Challenge!  He really feels so happcy at 90 that I think we will aim for Badminton again at 90 and try to stay within his comfort zone until he tells me he is happy to aim higher and if that doesn't happen then so be it.  If he wants to be a 90 horse then he can be :)

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