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Thursday 5 May 2011

Evening dressage - Great Bookham EC 04-05-11

Took both the orange ones to GBEC last night.  Only entered P18 for both of them as intended to jump Monty round the 3ft clear round but scrapped that plan based on the rock hard ground.

Monty was up first - somehow ended up with only 20mins to warmup but actually he was very calm and well behaved so didn't need more than that.  He was rather spooky and tried to do a shoot through the shoulder job on way to warmup but pleased that managed to ride him through that.  Then stopped when someone asked me a question and he tried to do a spooky nap back towards car park - quick reminder with the spurs and a growl so loud everyone turned to look and we were back on track.  Hopefully am showing him I mean business and he wont get away with this napping shite.

New test regime is spurs and no whip as per eventing which he responds best to as he hates the whip.  He was v tense and spooky on the go round but judge nicely gave us a few laps and we were allowed in the arena so I did some changes of rein through half circles and got him bending and listening and then he worked really well.  Test went smoothly.  Little bit above the bit into trot/canter on the R rein but big improvement on few mths back. Lots of 7's, an 8 for his FWLR (bit generous watching the vid but not complaining!).  7767 collectives. "Consistently presented test with lovely flow throughout.  A little more engagement into right canter trans to prevent slight hollowing.  Great combination!"  Pleased with that - think marks and comments pretty accurate.  Final mark of 67.9% and 2nd out of 13.  Very happy!

Then had a little rest before little Llewi's turn.  He was on speed in the warmup.  Very off my leg, felt a bit like an unexploded bomb!  Perhaps they have swapped around and it is now him that needs the 45mins warmup instead of the 20 he was having.  Luckily only one line of white boards across the arena in front of the judge's car as arena is exactly 20m wide so not too much to eat him, although apparantly walls can be equally spooky!  He was a bit tense but I obviously hid it well as he got straight 7's for the first 5 movements and even 7's for his left canter work.  Only a 6 for his FWLR which looking at the vid isn't much different to Monty's but maybe bit less consistent stretch.  Then it went a bit downhill after that and only got 6's for right canter with a 5 for the final long side as he tried to throw in a huge spook and piss off with me, but got him back in time for trot trans at corner.  Did mean he was a bit tense for final centre line.  Bit mean with 6 for final halt - said he stepped sideways but looking at the video he went to halt quite all over the place and then deliberately sorted himself out and stood out, neatly placing all 4 feet into a square halt like I've been teaching him - v impressed!  Anyway, he managed 64.6% and 5th place so pretty chuffed with that too. 6767 "some tension on right rein canter today.  otherwise test flowed and lots to like.  Well ridden"

I do have the vids but they'll take about a week to upload!

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