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Sunday 14 August 2011

lesson report 13-08-11

Went over to Chobham yesterday for a clinic with Simon.

Explained at the beginning things needing sorting - G&R in canter, centre lines not straight, medium trot across the diagonal not straight or medium.

We worked on spiralling in to smaller circle then leg yield back out, followed by counter flexion and spiral in then leg yield out followed by shoulder-in on the big circle then half pass spiral in, keep moving around the hindquarters before getting out of it and moving into trot or canter.  It produced some great upwards transitions and some real quality trot/canter.  Worked again in trot on the first 2 parts (not up to shoulder-in on a circle and HP spirals in trot yet) then moving on out into canter transitions and the resulting canter work was fabulous.  Worked on having him more up and together now and he was really pinging :)  In the canter we worked on collecting the canter with leg and seat then doing very quick G&R so catching him before he stuck his nose out.  Explained that the reason he is poking nose out when give the reins is not because I'm holding him up in the canter but because coiling him up and collecting the canter is hard work for him and so if I give the rein away he just wants to escape the coil.  We tried G&R in more of a forwards canter and it didn't go nearly as hollow although he still took the rein forwards.  There was one on the left rein in the end that wasn't too bad so I think it's just something we're going to have to work super hard at.  Fortunately eventing tests dont have it in but all the RC eventing tests do and lots of BD Novices do so it is something we need to crack.  Doing N37 on Wed and that has it in twice across the short diagonal followed by counter canter down the long side - yuck!

We then did some centre lines which were dead straight so moved onto the medium trot.  Worked on letting the neck out a bit round the short side rather than tightening and tensing in preparation for the medium trot, then as come onto the diagonal lift hands, leg on and amazingly a rather nice medium appeared - only a few strides at the moment but it will come.

At the end we worked on coiling up the trot, collecting it so that it was almost a walk and then letting it ping forwards and then a nice stretchy trot to finish.  Very good boy.  He is working so well now I really hope we can start getting some sub 30 dressage scores eventing as I'm sure he deserves them.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a lovely positive report - he's obviously coming on really well now :)
