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Tuesday 29 November 2011

Schooling session 29-11-11

Short session in high winds.  Definitely feel he is starting to set against the hanging cheek snaffle so going to change back to the loose ring Neue Schule for Tracey lesson tomorrow.

He was really nicely off my aids in the lateral walk work.  Did a few transitions and then a bit of canter work.  Decided to try exercise I read about on the BD forum for helping to get a flying change.  So half 10m circle in canter then leg yield back to the track, straighten and ride forward for the change onto the new lead.  First time from left to right he almost went to do it then didn't.  2nd time he changed in front then changed behind a stride later but even that is big progress compared to his normal nothing or just change in front then change back in front or continue disunited.  Then tried right to left (his better rein) and first time he did a kind of hop, skip and a jump through trot but at least getting the idea that I wanted a change.  2nd time he did a clean change!  woohoo!  was beginning to lose hope that he was able to do one at all.  It was not especially pretty and he leapt through it but he did it!  Huge pats and let him canter on a long rein for a rest.

Then one final thing, as he had appeared to find the canter leg yield rather easy (probably due to all our work with outside bend, bum in on a circle in canter) I decided to try and get canter half pass left and he did a really lovely first attempt, made it all the way from centre line to outside track in the length of the school and then did a lovely canter to walk transition so finished him there.  And, all this achieved in gale force winds - sounded like stable roof was about to blow off so v proud of him for concentrating so well.  So, only a 30min session but lots of good things achieved and lots of building blocks to really work on :)

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