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Thursday 29 March 2012

Schooling 29-03-12

Well, schooling in a field of cows obviously did him good.  He was lovely tonight :)

Warmed up with all sorts of lateral work in walk and from the start he was more settled in the contact than he usually is.  Moved into trot for warming up and he was accepting the contact and did some lovely transitions.  Managed trot-walk-trot on both reins forwards into the contact staying in a nice outline throughout.  Did some canter work, on and back, in and out on the circle and some really nice, balanced downwards transitions into trot plus a couple of canter to walk.

Then a bit of sitting trot SI work then some rising trot stretching - he is now not running off when allowed to stretch but keeping the same rhythm and just taking his neck down.  Picked him up again and did some figures of 8 in trot - still need to improve the change from left to right bend.  Did some trot to halt and rein back on both reins which was good then rein back to canter on the left rein which he can do nicely.  Wouldn't try that yet on the right - definitely still lopsided rein wise - we can do a lot more advanced stuff on the left rein than we can on the right.  Mustn't fall into the trap of doing more on the left rein as it's easier. Generally he was fairly good off the leg.  Felt the canter could be more forwards and have more jump still so more canter exercises needed but v pleased with the trot work.  Remembering to keep hands up and out in front of me and ride forwards into the contact - dont pull back, use leg and upwards rein aid rather than backwards as this is what he resists against.

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