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Monday 18 November 2013

SJL clinic - MW 15-11-13

Friday afternoon saw us back at Merrist Wood again.  This time for our 2nd lesson with Sara Jane Lanning.

We worked on the walk piris - she had to take over in the right one and do some work to convince him not to run her over and to turn properly and then once it seemed to click in his head he did some really good ones.  Have to really make sure get him soft and round in the walk first before asking for the turn.  Not easy when he decides to be a wiggly worm in walk.

Trot we worked on keeping up the impulsion through the turns - have to make sure don't ask for too tight turns in the corners of the school which make him lose impulsion and rhythm, keep the hindleg stepping through and the power up.  Did lots of leg yield from track to 3/4 line and then straight on - she said he was lazy - not through not going forwards enough but not putting enough effort into moving sideways so need to make sure always get the reaction I want.

Canter we warmed up and did a 5m loop which she loved and said would get an 8 definitely.  Then we worked on getting more jump into the canter.  On the left rein this involved shoulder-fore, then try to keep that on the circle and into the walk transition.  Right rein had to have him rounder - not deeper, but rounder and softer - this had to come first before more power or he just ran onto his forehand.  Once we established that we managed to bring him in onto a 10m circle and for the first time ever he made it feel easy!  Normally I find it so hard to do smaller circles on him on the right rein.  Must insist on the extra roundness though - he needs to be soft and round before asking for transitions.  Did some super stretching down to finish.  Really pleased with him.

I asked about flying changes but with a competition the following day she didn't feel then was the right time to work on them which was fair enough!

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