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Monday 4 August 2014

Dressage round up - Pachesham BD, lesson and Sparsholt Summer Regionals

Pachesham BD 16/07/14
Not our best effort as I managed to do his noseband up a hole too tight and I think it was pinching him so there was a bit of resistance going on.  He broke in his 2nd medium trot so got a 4 for that and broke in his medium walk so a 5 for that.  Got some 7's for his canter work and his FWLR but mostly 6/6.5. Collectives: 7, 6, 6, 6.5. "Smart little horse with correct paces just needing to work more freely forwards into a more consistent contact today to aid suppleness and earn the higher marks" 63.7% and 3rd Restricted.

Had a discussion about whether we could do leg yield in the warmup and after a lot of protesting we realised we could and ended up with 6.5 and 7 for them which is much better than 5 and 6 from a few weeks ago.  Again, a few 7's for his canter work and also his trot-walk-trots and both his centre lines but otherwise mostly 6/6.5.  Collectives: 7, 6, 6, 6.5  "Fair paces shown - more from behind now needed to help improve medium step and self carriage - poll low at times and lacking impulsion". 64.41% and 4th Restricted.

Sara-Jane Lanning lesson 18/07/14
Mostly worked on straightness and getting rid of his desire to overbend to the inside on the left rein so almost have to think flex to the outside the entire time on the left rein to actually get him straight.  With the give and retake need to start with doing one rein at a time and briefly and build up the time.  If he nose pokes must correct him immediately so he gets the idea of what is the correct thing to do.

Working on G&R the rein on the left rein

Working on straightness

Developing the medium trot

Working on G&R on the right rein

Medium canter on the left rein

Halt work:

Sparsholt BD Summer Regionals 22/07/14
66.397% and 14th out of 31.  Very close - extra 0.8% would have had us in top ten and only 2.5% behind 3rd place.  Not entirely sure where I could have squeezed those marks from though.  He tried really hard and watching the video back I am so pleased with how his outline has improved and how much more balanced he is.  Big difference even just since the Winter Regionals.  Anyway, that was our last Novice - onwards and upwards with Elementary now.

I love this one - he just looks so elegant - almost like a proper dressage horse!

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