Flatwork again tonight after spending the day at Goring Horse Trials - walked the course for the BE100 - all very doable but definitely some accuracy questions to catch you out - water involved a skinny a couple of strides after the step out then onto a roll top followed by sharp right hand bend to step up so best to angle the roll top to make the turn. Then further on in the course angled double of tyres on 2 strides but at a friendly angle followed by a bench to a skinny flower bed narrower at the base. Then finally a left sided fairly chunky corner and a right hand curve to a skinny house. Definitely good for us to keep working on combinations on curves and skinnies - they seem to love them at all levels at the moment!
So, schooling tonight started with lots of walk lateral work. Then he did some lovely work on the left rein to warm up - keeping him rounder and deeper but making sure the engine coming through from behind. Super trot-walk-trot transitions and up and down into canter from trot. Changed onto the right rein and took several circles for him to settle and just relax into a round and deep outline but once he did it went well and did the same super transitions that he had on the left rein. Let him have a stretchy trot on both reins then a walk breather.
Then we did a little bit of SI on the circle, left rein coming quite easily now. Right rein he still seems to find impossibly hard, blocking and either coming back to walk or doing a kind of walk with the front legs, trot with the back which feels very strange. Made him carry on and do a little bit then another walk stretch.
Picked him up again and concentrated on feeling like I was channeling him from leg into hand and ran through BE95. Nice centre line and turn across the diagonal, resistant on the change onto the right rein, then nice all the way through to the change from left 1/2 20m circle to right where again he resisted but only a little bit this time then a nice right canter keeping the forwardness remembering to balance him for the downwards transitions back to trot then walk. Keep the medium walk moving and then keep the FWLR moving - really liked these today. Nice pick up into the contact for medium walk but then I jostled him along a little too much and he broke. Down centre line, keen to trot but slightly resistant in the contact to a nice halt. Not a bad attempt - next flatwork session on Tuesday - need to do lots of half circles and changes of rein across the diagonal, must get him accepting the change of bend from left to right. Also needs to be more forwards still - needs to go off a calf aid, not need to use the spur. 2 more flatwork sessions before Larkhill next Sat so will keep working on it all. Pleased with how things are coming along at the moment though.
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Saturday, 31 March 2012
XC clinic Parwood 30-03-12
Another clinic with Lucy Thompson.
Unfortunately the ground was solid so couldn't do too much but it was still useful.
Warmed up over couple of tyre jumps and a roll top and he was backing off and sticky, chipping in extra ones. I do hate schooling him - totally different horse to the one at competitions. He did pop over the open ditch nice and neatly though.
So, we razzed him up a bit and popped through the water - down and up steps, still a bit sticky to start with and took a few goes to get him cantering nicely through the water with enough oomph to go up the bounce steps out but once we got there he then cantered on nicely down the ramp to the roll top. Then we went over to the 2 ditch palisades and again he was slightly sticky and had a little look but did jump them both ok.
So, a bit more razzing up and then we strung together a little course of water, bounce up, ramp down to roll top then opened him up on the way to an open oxer which he chipped in at and then onto a combination on a right hand curve - 3 lots of telegraph poles with 2 strides in between each part. Lucy advised to come at anything with a relatively rounded profile and on a curve at an angle to make the lines much easier and it worked fabulously - saw a nice forwards stride, he really locked on and flew through making the striding easy. Then flew on and got a super fabulous shot at the big log before turning right to the meaty corner which was flagged but no nice bordering trees or anything - easily pre novice size if not bigger. Slight wobble on the way to it but clapped my legs on and he flew it. Then on over a nice hanging log before anchoring him back to do a 3 stride related distance on a right hand curve between hanging tyres with simulated ditch underneath and a curved skinny hanging log. He came back to me quite nicely, angled the tyres and made the turn easy. Clever pony :) Jumped great once he was razzed up enough! He's just a lazy sod - cant be arsed if he doesn't have to be!
Quick rest then onto the bank complex. Started with step up, stride, step up, 2 strides, step down, stride, step down which he made so easy and then onto a chunky log which he really wobbled towards but managed to keep him straight and kept leg on and got a nice jump over it. Then we curved round to the right and came back up the ramp to the bank complex up a step, 1 stride, bounce down 2 steps and then curve right to a really narrow skinny sloping palisade type thing approx BE100 height. I was awful and hooked him back down the steps and then hooked and fiddled to the palisade plonking him right at the base of it at practically a standstill and yet still he picked up and jumped it for me. Bad bad rider. Carried on and jumped a roll top off a left bend nicely. Little debrief then came round again and just did the bank with the bounce steps down to skinny, remember to ride forwards and he jumped it lovely. Must trust my horse more, channel him forwards, not backwards.
So, conclusions (apart from that it takes Monty half an hour to wake up when it comes to schooling) are getting the right lines into combinations esp curved ones - angle if possible, look where you want to go and ride forwards. Always always ride forwards, even at water - legs wrapped around, sit up, shoulders back and go!
Unfortunately the ground was solid so couldn't do too much but it was still useful.
Warmed up over couple of tyre jumps and a roll top and he was backing off and sticky, chipping in extra ones. I do hate schooling him - totally different horse to the one at competitions. He did pop over the open ditch nice and neatly though.
So, we razzed him up a bit and popped through the water - down and up steps, still a bit sticky to start with and took a few goes to get him cantering nicely through the water with enough oomph to go up the bounce steps out but once we got there he then cantered on nicely down the ramp to the roll top. Then we went over to the 2 ditch palisades and again he was slightly sticky and had a little look but did jump them both ok.
So, a bit more razzing up and then we strung together a little course of water, bounce up, ramp down to roll top then opened him up on the way to an open oxer which he chipped in at and then onto a combination on a right hand curve - 3 lots of telegraph poles with 2 strides in between each part. Lucy advised to come at anything with a relatively rounded profile and on a curve at an angle to make the lines much easier and it worked fabulously - saw a nice forwards stride, he really locked on and flew through making the striding easy. Then flew on and got a super fabulous shot at the big log before turning right to the meaty corner which was flagged but no nice bordering trees or anything - easily pre novice size if not bigger. Slight wobble on the way to it but clapped my legs on and he flew it. Then on over a nice hanging log before anchoring him back to do a 3 stride related distance on a right hand curve between hanging tyres with simulated ditch underneath and a curved skinny hanging log. He came back to me quite nicely, angled the tyres and made the turn easy. Clever pony :) Jumped great once he was razzed up enough! He's just a lazy sod - cant be arsed if he doesn't have to be!
Quick rest then onto the bank complex. Started with step up, stride, step up, 2 strides, step down, stride, step down which he made so easy and then onto a chunky log which he really wobbled towards but managed to keep him straight and kept leg on and got a nice jump over it. Then we curved round to the right and came back up the ramp to the bank complex up a step, 1 stride, bounce down 2 steps and then curve right to a really narrow skinny sloping palisade type thing approx BE100 height. I was awful and hooked him back down the steps and then hooked and fiddled to the palisade plonking him right at the base of it at practically a standstill and yet still he picked up and jumped it for me. Bad bad rider. Carried on and jumped a roll top off a left bend nicely. Little debrief then came round again and just did the bank with the bounce steps down to skinny, remember to ride forwards and he jumped it lovely. Must trust my horse more, channel him forwards, not backwards.
So, conclusions (apart from that it takes Monty half an hour to wake up when it comes to schooling) are getting the right lines into combinations esp curved ones - angle if possible, look where you want to go and ride forwards. Always always ride forwards, even at water - legs wrapped around, sit up, shoulders back and go!
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Schooling 29-03-12
Well, schooling in a field of cows obviously did him good. He was lovely tonight :)
Warmed up with all sorts of lateral work in walk and from the start he was more settled in the contact than he usually is. Moved into trot for warming up and he was accepting the contact and did some lovely transitions. Managed trot-walk-trot on both reins forwards into the contact staying in a nice outline throughout. Did some canter work, on and back, in and out on the circle and some really nice, balanced downwards transitions into trot plus a couple of canter to walk.
Then a bit of sitting trot SI work then some rising trot stretching - he is now not running off when allowed to stretch but keeping the same rhythm and just taking his neck down. Picked him up again and did some figures of 8 in trot - still need to improve the change from left to right bend. Did some trot to halt and rein back on both reins which was good then rein back to canter on the left rein which he can do nicely. Wouldn't try that yet on the right - definitely still lopsided rein wise - we can do a lot more advanced stuff on the left rein than we can on the right. Mustn't fall into the trap of doing more on the left rein as it's easier. Generally he was fairly good off the leg. Felt the canter could be more forwards and have more jump still so more canter exercises needed but v pleased with the trot work. Remembering to keep hands up and out in front of me and ride forwards into the contact - dont pull back, use leg and upwards rein aid rather than backwards as this is what he resists against.
Warmed up with all sorts of lateral work in walk and from the start he was more settled in the contact than he usually is. Moved into trot for warming up and he was accepting the contact and did some lovely transitions. Managed trot-walk-trot on both reins forwards into the contact staying in a nice outline throughout. Did some canter work, on and back, in and out on the circle and some really nice, balanced downwards transitions into trot plus a couple of canter to walk.
Then a bit of sitting trot SI work then some rising trot stretching - he is now not running off when allowed to stretch but keeping the same rhythm and just taking his neck down. Picked him up again and did some figures of 8 in trot - still need to improve the change from left to right bend. Did some trot to halt and rein back on both reins which was good then rein back to canter on the left rein which he can do nicely. Wouldn't try that yet on the right - definitely still lopsided rein wise - we can do a lot more advanced stuff on the left rein than we can on the right. Mustn't fall into the trap of doing more on the left rein as it's easier. Generally he was fairly good off the leg. Felt the canter could be more forwards and have more jump still so more canter exercises needed but v pleased with the trot work. Remembering to keep hands up and out in front of me and ride forwards into the contact - dont pull back, use leg and upwards rein aid rather than backwards as this is what he resists against.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Schooling out hacking
Meant to have dressage lesson this afternoon but got halfway there and got txt to say it was cancelled so debated what to do but decided as pony on board might as well go somewhere different. Couldn't think of anywhere to go just to school and too nice really so went to Puttenham for a hack. Only had my dressage saddle with me so that was interesting as Monty's hacking trot is blinking fast for dressage length stirrups.
Halfway through the hack is the Hampton sponsored ride field - lovely springy turf and loads of room so settled down for a bit of schooling. Used a XC jump as the centre of my arena to keep me focused, had to dodge multiple piles of cow shit and Monty kept a wary eye on the cows in the distance but figured good practice for distractions at events.
Initially a bit resistant at being asked to work mid hack, but then settled down nicely and did some good work. He is definitely becoming more willing to submit when I ask him to now but I am having to work hard to keep riding him up and out into the contact and not letting him curl and go onto his forehand. Fix one problem and create another! We did lots of changes of bend, as always changing to the right not so easy but we got there. We did some leg yielding and SI in trot as plenty of room which was nice. We also did some LY in canter which he finds hard so that is good as means it is beneficial for him to do it. Did a couple of lovely centre lines and square halts staying soft and on the bit in the halt so very pleased with that. Checked rein back was still there which it was. G&R in canter still not there - need to remember to keep working on this with the RC qualifiers in mind as they always use tests with G&R in. Inside fine, outside fine, just not both together. We even did a bit of medium trot and he actually gave me something without hollowing - it was probably running a bit but at least he tried something.
Only did about 20mins altogether then went on with our hack, up the hill and over a couple of little jumps but he nearly jumped me off in the dressage saddle so gave that up pretty sharpish! Out for 90mins altogether and roasting hot so good work-out for him.
Halfway through the hack is the Hampton sponsored ride field - lovely springy turf and loads of room so settled down for a bit of schooling. Used a XC jump as the centre of my arena to keep me focused, had to dodge multiple piles of cow shit and Monty kept a wary eye on the cows in the distance but figured good practice for distractions at events.
Initially a bit resistant at being asked to work mid hack, but then settled down nicely and did some good work. He is definitely becoming more willing to submit when I ask him to now but I am having to work hard to keep riding him up and out into the contact and not letting him curl and go onto his forehand. Fix one problem and create another! We did lots of changes of bend, as always changing to the right not so easy but we got there. We did some leg yielding and SI in trot as plenty of room which was nice. We also did some LY in canter which he finds hard so that is good as means it is beneficial for him to do it. Did a couple of lovely centre lines and square halts staying soft and on the bit in the halt so very pleased with that. Checked rein back was still there which it was. G&R in canter still not there - need to remember to keep working on this with the RC qualifiers in mind as they always use tests with G&R in. Inside fine, outside fine, just not both together. We even did a bit of medium trot and he actually gave me something without hollowing - it was probably running a bit but at least he tried something.
Only did about 20mins altogether then went on with our hack, up the hill and over a couple of little jumps but he nearly jumped me off in the dressage saddle so gave that up pretty sharpish! Out for 90mins altogether and roasting hot so good work-out for him.
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Schooling 25-03-12
More of the same really.
He was less forwards today but still worked hard. Followed the same plan as yesterday. Had his bungee on so he couldn't do complete giraffe impressions - it has no effect at all if he's anywhere near a normal outline but just stops him giraffing. We did all lateral work in walk to warm up - LY, SI, travers and HP then SI on a circle.
Followed that with a warmup trot and canter long and low feeling nice and soft.
Felt that his SI in trot on the L rein was better today - less curling up to the left, less bulging out through the outside shoulder. R rein he still finds hideously hard though - reluctant to trot properly - not helped by the fact I find sitting trot so hard.
After doing it though we moved onto a bit of canter work and really got him boinging up and forwards. Then we brought the canter right back then leg yielded out and moved it on again. On the L rein he finds this so easy and can almost bring the canter back to a pirouette type of canter. On the R rein he finds it so much harder. We did a couple of walk to canters and canters to walk which weren't too bad although he does tend to nose dive in the canter to walk so still plenty to work on there. Still, a yr ago there's no way he could do canter to walk so he is improving.
Did a little bit of counter canter on each rein as not done any for ages and he did it very well. We did a figure of 8 pattern and he kept a nice rhythm and balance around the short side on both reins so didn't worry about doing any more of that.
Finished with some trot work in a comp outline doing figures of 8 to persuade him to change the bend nicely from left to right - have to start changing it earlier than the other way and also be insistent about him flexing to the new direction as he would rather resist but he is quite capable of doing it nicely. Need to do lots of these as they make up a big chunk of marks in BE95.
Finished with super trot stretch on both reins.
Things to work on next session - more figures of 8, mustn't get stuck on a 20m circle in one direction. He needs to do lots of changes of direction. Also must re-install forwards. He gets a bit dead to my leg with all the lateral work - gonna have to do a bit of waking him up. We did one wake up aid today and he leapt off across the school in surprise. So definitely needs a bit of waking up next session and working on straight and forwards in basic transitions or he gets too hung up on going sideways and forgets how to go forwards.
He was less forwards today but still worked hard. Followed the same plan as yesterday. Had his bungee on so he couldn't do complete giraffe impressions - it has no effect at all if he's anywhere near a normal outline but just stops him giraffing. We did all lateral work in walk to warm up - LY, SI, travers and HP then SI on a circle.
Followed that with a warmup trot and canter long and low feeling nice and soft.
Felt that his SI in trot on the L rein was better today - less curling up to the left, less bulging out through the outside shoulder. R rein he still finds hideously hard though - reluctant to trot properly - not helped by the fact I find sitting trot so hard.
After doing it though we moved onto a bit of canter work and really got him boinging up and forwards. Then we brought the canter right back then leg yielded out and moved it on again. On the L rein he finds this so easy and can almost bring the canter back to a pirouette type of canter. On the R rein he finds it so much harder. We did a couple of walk to canters and canters to walk which weren't too bad although he does tend to nose dive in the canter to walk so still plenty to work on there. Still, a yr ago there's no way he could do canter to walk so he is improving.
Did a little bit of counter canter on each rein as not done any for ages and he did it very well. We did a figure of 8 pattern and he kept a nice rhythm and balance around the short side on both reins so didn't worry about doing any more of that.
Finished with some trot work in a comp outline doing figures of 8 to persuade him to change the bend nicely from left to right - have to start changing it earlier than the other way and also be insistent about him flexing to the new direction as he would rather resist but he is quite capable of doing it nicely. Need to do lots of these as they make up a big chunk of marks in BE95.
Finished with super trot stretch on both reins.
Things to work on next session - more figures of 8, mustn't get stuck on a 20m circle in one direction. He needs to do lots of changes of direction. Also must re-install forwards. He gets a bit dead to my leg with all the lateral work - gonna have to do a bit of waking him up. We did one wake up aid today and he leapt off across the school in surprise. So definitely needs a bit of waking up next session and working on straight and forwards in basic transitions or he gets too hung up on going sideways and forgets how to go forwards.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Schooling 24-03-12
More sideways stuff for the Montster.
He was pratting around in the field when I got there so obviously feeling full of spring grass. Marched around the school when I got on him - he has got such a huuuuge walk! Picked him up into a deeper stretch and we did some walk lateral work then a bit of trot and canter on each rein just keeping it all nice and relaxed.
Then we did a bit of trot leg yield down the long side flexed to the outside which he seems to find quite hard - harder than leg yield across the school bizarrely. He just wants to scuttle sideways like a crab rather than actually step underneath himself. Tried to get him to slow down and step sideways properly.
Then we did his favourite exercise of SI on the 20m circle in trot - cue more scuttling sideways. Started on the left rein concentrating on trying not to have too much inside bend. Didn't do too much then tried to encourage him into a bigger, rounder stretchy trot although he seemed to just want to curl up and not stretch down, plus was losing him through his outside shoulder. Sorted that out then picked him up into canter and he felt a lot lighter in my hand and was going forwards nicely, brought him back into a lovely collected canter and then forwards into a bigger canter, then back into collected and a nice canter to walk. Large turn on the forehand then walk to canter on the right rein and again a couple of on and backs. Then canter to walk - not bad for right rein. Moving on to SI on the right rein - even more scuttling but I do find it easier to ride him on this rein. So we worked on an oval letting him do SI down the long side for a bit before asking again on a half circle as he finds it much easier on the straight line. He does find it really hard but it does seem to really help the work we do afterwards as he's stepping under better. Did some trot work where I felt he was escaping through his outside shoulder again so had to correct that again before getting some nice trot stretch where he felt like he was really working through rather than running onto his forehand.
Finished with a good walk stretch and then the lights went out all of a sudden so that was perfect timing. 55mins of schooling. More tomorrow and another lesson on Wed to check on progress.
He was pratting around in the field when I got there so obviously feeling full of spring grass. Marched around the school when I got on him - he has got such a huuuuge walk! Picked him up into a deeper stretch and we did some walk lateral work then a bit of trot and canter on each rein just keeping it all nice and relaxed.
Then we did a bit of trot leg yield down the long side flexed to the outside which he seems to find quite hard - harder than leg yield across the school bizarrely. He just wants to scuttle sideways like a crab rather than actually step underneath himself. Tried to get him to slow down and step sideways properly.
Then we did his favourite exercise of SI on the 20m circle in trot - cue more scuttling sideways. Started on the left rein concentrating on trying not to have too much inside bend. Didn't do too much then tried to encourage him into a bigger, rounder stretchy trot although he seemed to just want to curl up and not stretch down, plus was losing him through his outside shoulder. Sorted that out then picked him up into canter and he felt a lot lighter in my hand and was going forwards nicely, brought him back into a lovely collected canter and then forwards into a bigger canter, then back into collected and a nice canter to walk. Large turn on the forehand then walk to canter on the right rein and again a couple of on and backs. Then canter to walk - not bad for right rein. Moving on to SI on the right rein - even more scuttling but I do find it easier to ride him on this rein. So we worked on an oval letting him do SI down the long side for a bit before asking again on a half circle as he finds it much easier on the straight line. He does find it really hard but it does seem to really help the work we do afterwards as he's stepping under better. Did some trot work where I felt he was escaping through his outside shoulder again so had to correct that again before getting some nice trot stretch where he felt like he was really working through rather than running onto his forehand.
Finished with a good walk stretch and then the lights went out all of a sudden so that was perfect timing. 55mins of schooling. More tomorrow and another lesson on Wed to check on progress.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
schooling 20-03-12
Schooling session at lunchtime today.
Warmed up on a long rein in WTC. He started to come nicely into a round stretch in trot after having a canter so then had a walk break before picking up walk shoulder in on the circle. I think he hates all this sideways stuff - he seems to find it so hard.
So we did our walk SI then a bit of trot SI on the L rein - he just cant keep the power coming through from behind in the trot work and really seems to struggle to bring the inside hind underneath him - it's in both directions so not sure it's truely related to his iffy right hind or that he's just never been asked to carry himself like this before. We moved on to trot stretch deep and round, keeping it steady and not letting him fall onto his forehand and he seemed to do this nicely.
We then did some work on the canter, trying to get good, uphill transitions into the canter and then riding the canter forwards and uphill - harder to keep him round than when he's burying himself onto his forehand but need to keep working on this. Got some nice walk to canters and a good canter to walk. Then worked on trot-walk-trot transitions and he was driving me a bit nuts by resisting once he came back to walk so then being against the hand in the upwards transition. Need to practice these as riding BE92 at AUW and MK. Need to get him going straight and forwards into the contact in the walk-trot transitions. He wants to wiggle all over the place. Eventually got a nice one so let him rest for a bit.
Then onto the right rein - repeated the walk and trot work in SI then onto some canter work keeping him uphill, did a few trot-canter transitions trying to improve the uphillness and roundness in these. Then some trot-walk-trots which were better on this rein than the other! Finally let him have a good stretch on this rein and he did a lovely one, staying steady, not running onto his forehand, soft and flexible into the right rein.
He worked hard, nearly an hour and was sweaty at the end. He was very forwards today which was nice - gave me more to work with. Just a constant battle to get him to soften and submit - it gets so wearing ;(
Warmed up on a long rein in WTC. He started to come nicely into a round stretch in trot after having a canter so then had a walk break before picking up walk shoulder in on the circle. I think he hates all this sideways stuff - he seems to find it so hard.
So we did our walk SI then a bit of trot SI on the L rein - he just cant keep the power coming through from behind in the trot work and really seems to struggle to bring the inside hind underneath him - it's in both directions so not sure it's truely related to his iffy right hind or that he's just never been asked to carry himself like this before. We moved on to trot stretch deep and round, keeping it steady and not letting him fall onto his forehand and he seemed to do this nicely.
We then did some work on the canter, trying to get good, uphill transitions into the canter and then riding the canter forwards and uphill - harder to keep him round than when he's burying himself onto his forehand but need to keep working on this. Got some nice walk to canters and a good canter to walk. Then worked on trot-walk-trot transitions and he was driving me a bit nuts by resisting once he came back to walk so then being against the hand in the upwards transition. Need to practice these as riding BE92 at AUW and MK. Need to get him going straight and forwards into the contact in the walk-trot transitions. He wants to wiggle all over the place. Eventually got a nice one so let him rest for a bit.
Then onto the right rein - repeated the walk and trot work in SI then onto some canter work keeping him uphill, did a few trot-canter transitions trying to improve the uphillness and roundness in these. Then some trot-walk-trots which were better on this rein than the other! Finally let him have a good stretch on this rein and he did a lovely one, staying steady, not running onto his forehand, soft and flexible into the right rein.
He worked hard, nearly an hour and was sweaty at the end. He was very forwards today which was nice - gave me more to work with. Just a constant battle to get him to soften and submit - it gets so wearing ;(
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Swalcliffe BE90 17-03-12
What a fantastic event! Probably the best one I have been to so far. Everything really close together whilst still managing to keep dressage well away from XC, great ground, amazing XC courses, XC route all roped off - felt like being at a mini Badminton - really lovely! Even better, the weather held up for us too.
So, we started with a quick run round the combinations on the course. Otherwise didn't have time to walk it as it went on forever so just relied on him being fine to jump the individual fences.
Then off to dressage. He warmed up sweetly and I was really pleased with the test - he still needs to come off the forehand a bit but he was soft and willing and straight and I thought that was what judges were looking for at BE90 so was vaguely hopeful we might get sub 35. CC very welcome as I clearly know nothing about dressage given what we actually did score.
dressage warmup:
warming up round the edge of the arena:
dressage test BE95:
then we had a little gap so I watched a few SJ - looked a fairly nice course except tight line from oxer at 7, right hand turn to 8 then left hand turn to 9. He was half asleep tied up to the trailer despite it being next to the XC start but I got on him and he perked up so off we went to the warmup to find them running behind and 20 people still to jump so walked round for ages then picked him up and he absolutely pinged over the warmup fences - dragging me around - I only SJ in a snaffle and he felt ready to go XC! He did a nice enough round - backed off a bit at 3 in front of the commentary box and a really awful right turn to the planks at 8 but clear
Happy happy. Then they announced my dressage score. 38
How awful. Really thought it was so much better than that. SJ I'm still struggling to get him to come a bit rounder in his outline and get better turns but he goes like a wooden plank at events - I can get it in lessons but he throws his toys out the pram if I try to establish any kind of nice outline at an event so I've taken to trying to just ride a nice rhythmical round, not hooking him and just keeping him coming to the fences and it seems to be working as he's now jumped clear at his last 6 ODE's and the 2 SJ outings we've also done.
SJ video:
XC course pics:
Anyway, on to the fun stuff. He warmed up sensibly which was nice after being completely off his trolley at Tweseldown. We walked over to the start box sensibly and started very sensibly (I think it's just T/down he hates!). Little sticky to no.1 as he was looking at stuff in the hedge then motored on to haycart no.2 and got a great shot at that, long gallop downhill and round a left hand bend to the house on the hill at 3 and he spooked wildly at something on the floor on the way which took me by surprise. Later realised he was spooking at the bits of gravel they'd used to fill in uneven areas of ground - there were a lot of these on the course and every time he'd fly sideways and piss off with me so that was entertaining. We got a lovely shot over no.3 though and then headed downhill again at the rate of knots, left turn to a combination of stone walls at 4 and 5 which jumped nicely then thankfully went uphill which allowed me to gather him up again before kicking on to the brush with a ditch before it at 6. Had heard the commentator saying all day it was causing trouble so made sure to ride it well and he flew it superbly. Right turn to the duck before the water which he trotted through then out over the boat which went well.
water jump:
then long gallop around a field, onto some ploughed stubble which he wasn't too sure about then downhill through a narrow gateway followed by sharp left hand bend - no idea how we made it round the corner as he took offence to galloping on stubble esp downhill and pissed off with me. Regained control up the hill to fence 9 a log pile on top of the hill but then off he went again downhill to a double of logpiles and we had our sticky jumps of the day as he got in too close to both we me hauling to get back control.
galloping around - fences 9-10
on again and down another hill and yet again he took off with me flat out, just about made it round the corner and steadied him in time for the hanging log at 11, then bit more controlled through the woods left hand turn to house thing at 12 which he jumped lovely, through some more woods and then steadied right up to make the turn to the hanging log on a downhill slope, 4 strides to a ditch. Slightly concerned as ditch obviously newly built on fresh sand so ground changed from grass to sand 2 strides after the hanging log and this is just the type of thing likely to make him sit up and look but kept leg on and he flew the ditch in his stride. Then galloped on slightly more in control now as uphill, flyer over the brush with ditch, great stride to the lion at 15 and then nicely up the final hill and a great shot over the last.
I had listened to the commentator on people getting time faults and heard the course was 5.43mins long so made the decision to ride in a nice forwards rhythm from the start but he completely got away from me with all the spooking at gravel and downhill stretches so we ended up coming in way under time at 5.07mins. At least I know he could have made the BE100 time easily as that is the next aim. However, before then I really need to get him under control. Am using a pelham which he totally respects out hunting but so far this season I cant hold one side of him in it. Dont want to overbit him but concerned we're riding on the seat of our pants and it all feels a bit lacking in control. He'll jump what I point him at but it needs to be safely and when it comes to more complicated combinations I need him to come back to me. Any ideas?
last fence:
Anyway, we ended up finishing 9th. 1st got a ridiculous dressage score of 22, but no-one else got under 32 so not sure if dressage scoring was a little random. 38 bit disheartening when I thought he went well but onwards we go. 3wks till Larkhill.
So, we started with a quick run round the combinations on the course. Otherwise didn't have time to walk it as it went on forever so just relied on him being fine to jump the individual fences.
Then off to dressage. He warmed up sweetly and I was really pleased with the test - he still needs to come off the forehand a bit but he was soft and willing and straight and I thought that was what judges were looking for at BE90 so was vaguely hopeful we might get sub 35. CC very welcome as I clearly know nothing about dressage given what we actually did score.
dressage warmup:
warming up round the edge of the arena:
dressage test BE95:
then we had a little gap so I watched a few SJ - looked a fairly nice course except tight line from oxer at 7, right hand turn to 8 then left hand turn to 9. He was half asleep tied up to the trailer despite it being next to the XC start but I got on him and he perked up so off we went to the warmup to find them running behind and 20 people still to jump so walked round for ages then picked him up and he absolutely pinged over the warmup fences - dragging me around - I only SJ in a snaffle and he felt ready to go XC! He did a nice enough round - backed off a bit at 3 in front of the commentary box and a really awful right turn to the planks at 8 but clear
SJ video:
XC course pics:
Anyway, on to the fun stuff. He warmed up sensibly which was nice after being completely off his trolley at Tweseldown. We walked over to the start box sensibly and started very sensibly (I think it's just T/down he hates!). Little sticky to no.1 as he was looking at stuff in the hedge then motored on to haycart no.2 and got a great shot at that, long gallop downhill and round a left hand bend to the house on the hill at 3 and he spooked wildly at something on the floor on the way which took me by surprise. Later realised he was spooking at the bits of gravel they'd used to fill in uneven areas of ground - there were a lot of these on the course and every time he'd fly sideways and piss off with me so that was entertaining. We got a lovely shot over no.3 though and then headed downhill again at the rate of knots, left turn to a combination of stone walls at 4 and 5 which jumped nicely then thankfully went uphill which allowed me to gather him up again before kicking on to the brush with a ditch before it at 6. Had heard the commentator saying all day it was causing trouble so made sure to ride it well and he flew it superbly. Right turn to the duck before the water which he trotted through then out over the boat which went well.
water jump:
then long gallop around a field, onto some ploughed stubble which he wasn't too sure about then downhill through a narrow gateway followed by sharp left hand bend - no idea how we made it round the corner as he took offence to galloping on stubble esp downhill and pissed off with me. Regained control up the hill to fence 9 a log pile on top of the hill but then off he went again downhill to a double of logpiles and we had our sticky jumps of the day as he got in too close to both we me hauling to get back control.
galloping around - fences 9-10
on again and down another hill and yet again he took off with me flat out, just about made it round the corner and steadied him in time for the hanging log at 11, then bit more controlled through the woods left hand turn to house thing at 12 which he jumped lovely, through some more woods and then steadied right up to make the turn to the hanging log on a downhill slope, 4 strides to a ditch. Slightly concerned as ditch obviously newly built on fresh sand so ground changed from grass to sand 2 strides after the hanging log and this is just the type of thing likely to make him sit up and look but kept leg on and he flew the ditch in his stride. Then galloped on slightly more in control now as uphill, flyer over the brush with ditch, great stride to the lion at 15 and then nicely up the final hill and a great shot over the last.
I had listened to the commentator on people getting time faults and heard the course was 5.43mins long so made the decision to ride in a nice forwards rhythm from the start but he completely got away from me with all the spooking at gravel and downhill stretches so we ended up coming in way under time at 5.07mins. At least I know he could have made the BE100 time easily as that is the next aim. However, before then I really need to get him under control. Am using a pelham which he totally respects out hunting but so far this season I cant hold one side of him in it. Dont want to overbit him but concerned we're riding on the seat of our pants and it all feels a bit lacking in control. He'll jump what I point him at but it needs to be safely and when it comes to more complicated combinations I need him to come back to me. Any ideas?
last fence:
Anyway, we ended up finishing 9th. 1st got a ridiculous dressage score of 22, but no-one else got under 32 so not sure if dressage scoring was a little random. 38 bit disheartening when I thought he went well but onwards we go. 3wks till Larkhill.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Tracey lesson 14-03-12
Tracey rode Monty today - really interesting to watch him from the ground but boy she made him work hard - he finds stepping under and truly engaging so difficult. He does engage his abdominal muscles as you can see them but doesn't use them to connect front and back end so it feels like riding 2 different horses. He is constantly wanting to swing his quarters out rather than step through and engage. The overbending to the left is me rather than him but it's definitely him with the swingy quarters.
Aims are to work on the shoulder-in on the circle. Both in walk and trot. He finds it seriously difficult so careful not to do too much. Should find left rein much easier than right. On left rein need to think inside leg to outside hand and be able to give with inside hand - do not ask for too much inside bend, almost think outside flexion and make sure the shoulders come in, not the quarters go out. On right rein he wants to carry quarters slightly to the inside so must make sure he steps under and through with inside hind and move the quarters away from the inside leg. Keep my inside leg stretched down and long. Can change rein across diagonal still in shoulder in, keep the positioning on new rein then back across diagonal. Intermittently ask him to really stretch down and round in rising trot, but must not let him run onto the forehand when you stop holding him up. Keep upper body back and really ask him to connect front end to back end, imagining bringing the bridle closer to his hocks.
Until we can gymnasticise him and make him find the lateral work easier he wont be able to produce the quality basic work that you need to get the super marks at basic eventing dressage.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Tweseldown BE90 11-03-12
What a start to the season! After a bit of a panic in the snow a few wks back that we weren't at all ready we've had 2 great XC schooling sessions, a couple of good SJ outings, we won the riding club combined training comp last wkend in torrential rain and then won BE95 dressage at Merrist Wood on Wed evening so was feeling quietly confident that we were on track for a good start to the season.
Alarm went off at 5.30 this morning but I was already awake - far too excited to sleep! Made it to Tweseldown by 7.30 and went off to walk the rather twisty tight SJ course then after my normal battle with the studs finally made it on to warm up for dressage. He did an ok test, everything in the right place but it did lack a bit of sparkle - he could have done with being a bit more forwards but not bad for first one of the season.
warming up:

On with the jumping tack and suddenly he woke up - completely different horse! Popped over each jump once in the warmup - met them all spot on, jumping nicely, albeit completely refusing to soften in the contact. Last few lessons been working on getting him softer and a bouncier canter but he wasn't having any of it today and just got arsey so I let him get on with jumping in the way he always has done. Course had some interesting lines and turns - lots of doglegs, related distances and tight turns plus a tight time so kept my foot down, saw a few interesting long ones but he responded and didn't try chipping in any short ones which made a nice change. Only just made the turn from 6 to 7 so he did well to clear that but chuffed with a nice clear. They announced my dressage of 36 which was a bit disappointing as I felt it was a bit better than that but hey ho.
Piccie of the triple bar - full permission from John Britter to post.

So, on to the fun bit! Walked course first on Wed, then again yesterday and they had moved a couple of fences to better ground so good thing I walked it again! First half similar to last yr's courses then a few changes in the middle. First mission - leaving the car park - numpty horse decided to play napping games and had to be led out. Then managed to forget my number and had to send friend back to get it. Cue him walking by himself to the XC warmup - not a good idea! Got as far as the hill and the motorbike's little rendezvous and he flipped his lid. Rearing, spinning, bunny hopping. He is such a monster - he will choose something to pretend to be scared of and then use as an excuse to have a huge napping fit. Nearly squashed several people on the hill - apologies if it was anyone here. Fortunately saw someone I knew coming down to the warmup and got her to lead me in but even once in there he was being a complete shite. He's always been bad in the warmup there but never this bad. Not fun at all. Wouldn't go near the steward, leaping, spinning, rearing. Gave him a kick and a smack and he did a huge buck. Jumping amazingly though lol - really forwards and getting up in the air nicely. Sometimes he can be a bit sticky about the first XC jump but he was on fire. With one to go I gave him a wake up canter and he just took off with me! So glad I elected to put the pelham in as he was on a mission.
Had to be led down to the start from the middle of the warmup and then led into the entrance to the start box and then he was off. He absolutely flew over 1 to 4 - flower box, chair, hayrack and hanging log but as he landed from a lovely jump over the hanging log he ripped his shoe off. I saw it go flying past my right ear and had a momentary thought about pulling up but he is a toughy and regularly pulls a shoe off halfway through hunting and completes so elected to carry on as long as he felt ok. Saw a long one at the horrid sloping palisade drop thing at 5:

Then onto the brush roll tops on a curve at 6 which we didn't get a great line to as fighting for control down the hill but kicked on and he stayed true. Popped over the little one at 7 then momentary loss of direction as looked for line up the hill to the corner. Saw a long, forward one at the corner (have been guilty in the past of over checking at corners so was trying to ride forwards) but he decided to chip in a little one so got scarily close there. On to the hanging logs at 10 and 11, just making the right turn to 11. Then I managed to fail to set him up for the sunken road as he was pulling my arms out - I just let him bowl on too much so he put in a little one and half fell up the step, completely lost reins, sat up and just kept leg on whilst grabbing my knitting and he popped through the road no probs.
Then onto the dry ditch, 2 strides to brush - he only saw ditch at last minute so slightly intersting jump over that but nice and straight to the brush. Then he just took off - he was spooking at things left and right and all over the place - not fun! Managed to regain some control to make the turn to the house before the water which he took nicely and then dropped to trot for the water, out the other side, turn and back in again, picked up canter and popped out and over the next one no probs:

(what do you think of the new XC kit? I'm loving it - great birthday pressie! although the point 2 does appear to make me look clinically obese - old BP was much more flattering)
Then flew up the hill, down the other side, spooking at a few more things for good measure, flew the chair at 15, up to another log pile and round to the final house, kicking on through the finish as I know the time is usually tough here. Bit of a mental round - really need to work on control and also on his focus - he is so busy spooking at other jumps, objects around the course it's hard to keep his concentration on me and the fences (any suggestions?)
So, sorted him out and then toddled over to see the scores. Turns out my judge wasn't too generous and only one score under 30 so we were actually lying in the lead at this stage as jumping causing plenty of probs. We came in 22secs under time - oops! Took pony off home and came back couple of hours later for scores. Ended up coming 3rd! 34 starters so that gets us a RF qualification and a nice little handful of FP's and a cheque for £31! Not a bad start to the season
We were actually 23rd after dressage so pretty meteoric rise up the leaderboard - thank god for the jumping! Winner finished on 34.5 so pretty close!
Alarm went off at 5.30 this morning but I was already awake - far too excited to sleep! Made it to Tweseldown by 7.30 and went off to walk the rather twisty tight SJ course then after my normal battle with the studs finally made it on to warm up for dressage. He did an ok test, everything in the right place but it did lack a bit of sparkle - he could have done with being a bit more forwards but not bad for first one of the season.
warming up:
On with the jumping tack and suddenly he woke up - completely different horse! Popped over each jump once in the warmup - met them all spot on, jumping nicely, albeit completely refusing to soften in the contact. Last few lessons been working on getting him softer and a bouncier canter but he wasn't having any of it today and just got arsey so I let him get on with jumping in the way he always has done. Course had some interesting lines and turns - lots of doglegs, related distances and tight turns plus a tight time so kept my foot down, saw a few interesting long ones but he responded and didn't try chipping in any short ones which made a nice change. Only just made the turn from 6 to 7 so he did well to clear that but chuffed with a nice clear. They announced my dressage of 36 which was a bit disappointing as I felt it was a bit better than that but hey ho.
Piccie of the triple bar - full permission from John Britter to post.
So, on to the fun bit! Walked course first on Wed, then again yesterday and they had moved a couple of fences to better ground so good thing I walked it again! First half similar to last yr's courses then a few changes in the middle. First mission - leaving the car park - numpty horse decided to play napping games and had to be led out. Then managed to forget my number and had to send friend back to get it. Cue him walking by himself to the XC warmup - not a good idea! Got as far as the hill and the motorbike's little rendezvous and he flipped his lid. Rearing, spinning, bunny hopping. He is such a monster - he will choose something to pretend to be scared of and then use as an excuse to have a huge napping fit. Nearly squashed several people on the hill - apologies if it was anyone here. Fortunately saw someone I knew coming down to the warmup and got her to lead me in but even once in there he was being a complete shite. He's always been bad in the warmup there but never this bad. Not fun at all. Wouldn't go near the steward, leaping, spinning, rearing. Gave him a kick and a smack and he did a huge buck. Jumping amazingly though lol - really forwards and getting up in the air nicely. Sometimes he can be a bit sticky about the first XC jump but he was on fire. With one to go I gave him a wake up canter and he just took off with me! So glad I elected to put the pelham in as he was on a mission.
Had to be led down to the start from the middle of the warmup and then led into the entrance to the start box and then he was off. He absolutely flew over 1 to 4 - flower box, chair, hayrack and hanging log but as he landed from a lovely jump over the hanging log he ripped his shoe off. I saw it go flying past my right ear and had a momentary thought about pulling up but he is a toughy and regularly pulls a shoe off halfway through hunting and completes so elected to carry on as long as he felt ok. Saw a long one at the horrid sloping palisade drop thing at 5:
Then onto the brush roll tops on a curve at 6 which we didn't get a great line to as fighting for control down the hill but kicked on and he stayed true. Popped over the little one at 7 then momentary loss of direction as looked for line up the hill to the corner. Saw a long, forward one at the corner (have been guilty in the past of over checking at corners so was trying to ride forwards) but he decided to chip in a little one so got scarily close there. On to the hanging logs at 10 and 11, just making the right turn to 11. Then I managed to fail to set him up for the sunken road as he was pulling my arms out - I just let him bowl on too much so he put in a little one and half fell up the step, completely lost reins, sat up and just kept leg on whilst grabbing my knitting and he popped through the road no probs.
Then onto the dry ditch, 2 strides to brush - he only saw ditch at last minute so slightly intersting jump over that but nice and straight to the brush. Then he just took off - he was spooking at things left and right and all over the place - not fun! Managed to regain some control to make the turn to the house before the water which he took nicely and then dropped to trot for the water, out the other side, turn and back in again, picked up canter and popped out and over the next one no probs:
(what do you think of the new XC kit? I'm loving it - great birthday pressie! although the point 2 does appear to make me look clinically obese - old BP was much more flattering)
Then flew up the hill, down the other side, spooking at a few more things for good measure, flew the chair at 15, up to another log pile and round to the final house, kicking on through the finish as I know the time is usually tough here. Bit of a mental round - really need to work on control and also on his focus - he is so busy spooking at other jumps, objects around the course it's hard to keep his concentration on me and the fences (any suggestions?)
So, sorted him out and then toddled over to see the scores. Turns out my judge wasn't too generous and only one score under 30 so we were actually lying in the lead at this stage as jumping causing plenty of probs. We came in 22secs under time - oops! Took pony off home and came back couple of hours later for scores. Ended up coming 3rd! 34 starters so that gets us a RF qualification and a nice little handful of FP's and a cheque for £31! Not a bad start to the season
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
MW evening eventers dressage 07-03-12
Time to test out the new dressage saddle! Conclusion - wow - love it :) It has left dirty black marks on my new beige breeches though!
Started warmup with a nice stretchy walk then picked up into a slightly stretchy trot and canter. Walk break and then pick up into competition outline trot/canter remembering to keep hands up in front - still a work in progress, but much better than before looking at the videos.
Went in for BE95 first. Spooky end of the arena so had a few probs getting him through the corner he doesn't like but managed to convince him to soften before the bell rang. Concentrated on keeping him up in front and soft. Must remember not to pull back or down when asking for flexion. Whole new way of going for him but looks so much better from the vids - he looks like a proper dressage horse! Judge called us over at the end to say how much we had improved since he last judged us a month ago so that was a pleasant surprise :) Ended up winning the class on 68% (32 in eventing scores). We got an 8 for our first half 20m cicle in trot, 6's for both canter circles as needed more energy, 8 for transition from canter to trot on the right rein, 6's for his walk work as he didn't really stretch out much and 6 for final halt which was well wonky! Rest was all 7's. Collectives: 8767 "What a lovely presentable test with some good rhythm shown. On occasions just lost a little outline when not forward"
Had a little break and a chit chat to a few people then back on for 20mins before next test. Worked on getting more energy in the canter, did some on and back, spiralling in and out on the circle which he did nicely. In for next test - BE106 - new BE test not ridden it before. Thought he did a fair attempt - not quite as soft in the contact a first test and canter didn't feel great - think I tried too hard to create more energy and fluffed it a bit, but generally still pleased with him. Marks a bit random but they always are with this judge. Got an 8 for his free walk which he totally didn't deserve as someone was walking across the gallery and he was gawping at them. Got a nice mix of 6's and 7's but then only got straight 6's in collectives :( Got a 7 for a walk trot transition that he completely hopped and hollowed in then only a 6 for the canter transition which was lovely and comment was hollowed - very back to front. 7's for both centre lines though - we appear to have cracked this straightness thing now :) 7's for most of his canter work, 6's for the trot work. Need to get him more used to me carrying my hands higher and responding to flexion requests in the right way, getting forwards without rushing. Comments: "Accurately ridden. Just lacking a little softness and suppleness. Could have a rounder outline. Be careful not to allow horse to become hurried" Looking at the video I dont want him rounder at all as that would put him behind the vertical. Ended up on 64% and 7th out of 10 which is rather disappointing as he went nicely and so much better than last time we were there. Will mark that one down for experience as really just wanted a chance to ride through that test.
Started warmup with a nice stretchy walk then picked up into a slightly stretchy trot and canter. Walk break and then pick up into competition outline trot/canter remembering to keep hands up in front - still a work in progress, but much better than before looking at the videos.
Went in for BE95 first. Spooky end of the arena so had a few probs getting him through the corner he doesn't like but managed to convince him to soften before the bell rang. Concentrated on keeping him up in front and soft. Must remember not to pull back or down when asking for flexion. Whole new way of going for him but looks so much better from the vids - he looks like a proper dressage horse! Judge called us over at the end to say how much we had improved since he last judged us a month ago so that was a pleasant surprise :) Ended up winning the class on 68% (32 in eventing scores). We got an 8 for our first half 20m cicle in trot, 6's for both canter circles as needed more energy, 8 for transition from canter to trot on the right rein, 6's for his walk work as he didn't really stretch out much and 6 for final halt which was well wonky! Rest was all 7's. Collectives: 8767 "What a lovely presentable test with some good rhythm shown. On occasions just lost a little outline when not forward"
Had a little break and a chit chat to a few people then back on for 20mins before next test. Worked on getting more energy in the canter, did some on and back, spiralling in and out on the circle which he did nicely. In for next test - BE106 - new BE test not ridden it before. Thought he did a fair attempt - not quite as soft in the contact a first test and canter didn't feel great - think I tried too hard to create more energy and fluffed it a bit, but generally still pleased with him. Marks a bit random but they always are with this judge. Got an 8 for his free walk which he totally didn't deserve as someone was walking across the gallery and he was gawping at them. Got a nice mix of 6's and 7's but then only got straight 6's in collectives :( Got a 7 for a walk trot transition that he completely hopped and hollowed in then only a 6 for the canter transition which was lovely and comment was hollowed - very back to front. 7's for both centre lines though - we appear to have cracked this straightness thing now :) 7's for most of his canter work, 6's for the trot work. Need to get him more used to me carrying my hands higher and responding to flexion requests in the right way, getting forwards without rushing. Comments: "Accurately ridden. Just lacking a little softness and suppleness. Could have a rounder outline. Be careful not to allow horse to become hurried" Looking at the video I dont want him rounder at all as that would put him behind the vertical. Ended up on 64% and 7th out of 10 which is rather disappointing as he went nicely and so much better than last time we were there. Will mark that one down for experience as really just wanted a chance to ride through that test.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Munstead Combined Training RC Q and BE class 04-03-12
Forecast was for heavy rain and they weren't wrong. Got up and left house at 7am and it wasn't too bad. Steadily got heavier as I was plaiting up and was proper chucking it down by the time we got there. Studded up and headed over to the dressage warm up. He worked in nicely enough, felt quite soft and forwards. Test was BE95 and was ok - centre line was very very undulating and he lost balance a bit. Generally everything happened where it should do but it wasn't wow.
Wandered around for a bit then had another warmup for N27 - the RC team test. Really worked on picking up my hands in the warmup and riding him forwards to it and actually had a really good feeling from it. Shortened my reins by about a foot and held my hands up and out in front of me. Very different feeling but I think I've been riding with far too long reins and a very intermittent contact. It was difficult to keep reins nice and short in the rain but determined to keep riding in same fashion, remembered all Helen's tips for a well prepared test and it all came off. So so chuffed with him.
Onto the jumping, didn't fancy much of a warmup in the rain so just popped a couple of fences, didn't worry about walking course, watched a couple of people go and learnt the route. Went in and he jumped a lovely smooth round, just a minor disagreement at the last fence which lo and behold was a skinny so I tried to fit in an extra stride and he ignored me and went on a long one. Must must stop hooking at skinnies!
Straight on round to the 95cm course which was full up height and width and again not getting off to walk it so watched and learnt. Dog leg from oxer at 4 to 1 stride double at 5 causing probs, otherwise looked ok. Warmed up again over a couple of fences then in we went. He jumped a really classy round, just ended up on a slightly deep shot to the double so was prepared for him to try and put in 2 strides but he went on a flyer at the 2nd part and I wasn't ready so just had to sit back, slip reins and hang on hunting style. Jumped through related distance 6 to 7 easily then just lost balance round the corner to 8, came at it disunited and just clipped a pole out. Such a shame as he was jumping really well off not great ground and big fences. He didn't really deserve one down and I dont think he would have done had the ground been better so not too worried.
Final results: Riding club all did fab - everyone did good dressage and jumped clear so ended up with the 2 prelim riders on 2nd in their arenas and I won mine so our team won overall! Excellent so now off to the National Champs at ALW in June. My score for the Novice was 64.6% so quite happy with that. Was 1 mark off the leader in my arena and equal with another on same score as me but they both had 8 faults so we won our arena. Not sure if we won overall as the other arena was generally marked much more generously and I think even with the corrections we wouldn't have won overall but doesn't matter as team won so we all get to go to the finals :)
BE results: I got 36 which I initially thought was a little harsh as was hoping we'd improved but at least it was better than 40 odd from end of last season! We had 4 faults so finished on 40 overall. That left us on same score as 6th place but she jumped clear and had 40 dressage so she got the placing. If we'd finished on 36 we'd have been 3rd. Equal 1st were on 34.5 and one of those was ridden by a pro and the other I know gets score in the 20's regularly so well chuffed we weren't far behind and general consensus is that judging was a little harsh. In the end there were an awful lot of withdrawals - meant to be 40 in the class but only 23 completed dressage and show jumping. But still 7th out of 23 not bad IMO! Work out that normally that would be followed by our best XC phase and would def have been in line for a good placing had that been a ODE. We were =9th after dressage out of 34 so again I think that's a good result for us especially as I only worked out how to ride him after that test so hoping from now on if I ride like I did in N27 we should be online for some really decent scores this season as long as I can stop him from getting too tight and tense over his back at events.
First stop, dressage at MW tomorrow evening to do BE95 and BE106 and then it's T/down on Sunday - yay!
85cm RC round
Wandered around for a bit then had another warmup for N27 - the RC team test. Really worked on picking up my hands in the warmup and riding him forwards to it and actually had a really good feeling from it. Shortened my reins by about a foot and held my hands up and out in front of me. Very different feeling but I think I've been riding with far too long reins and a very intermittent contact. It was difficult to keep reins nice and short in the rain but determined to keep riding in same fashion, remembered all Helen's tips for a well prepared test and it all came off. So so chuffed with him.
Onto the jumping, didn't fancy much of a warmup in the rain so just popped a couple of fences, didn't worry about walking course, watched a couple of people go and learnt the route. Went in and he jumped a lovely smooth round, just a minor disagreement at the last fence which lo and behold was a skinny so I tried to fit in an extra stride and he ignored me and went on a long one. Must must stop hooking at skinnies!
Straight on round to the 95cm course which was full up height and width and again not getting off to walk it so watched and learnt. Dog leg from oxer at 4 to 1 stride double at 5 causing probs, otherwise looked ok. Warmed up again over a couple of fences then in we went. He jumped a really classy round, just ended up on a slightly deep shot to the double so was prepared for him to try and put in 2 strides but he went on a flyer at the 2nd part and I wasn't ready so just had to sit back, slip reins and hang on hunting style. Jumped through related distance 6 to 7 easily then just lost balance round the corner to 8, came at it disunited and just clipped a pole out. Such a shame as he was jumping really well off not great ground and big fences. He didn't really deserve one down and I dont think he would have done had the ground been better so not too worried.
Final results: Riding club all did fab - everyone did good dressage and jumped clear so ended up with the 2 prelim riders on 2nd in their arenas and I won mine so our team won overall! Excellent so now off to the National Champs at ALW in June. My score for the Novice was 64.6% so quite happy with that. Was 1 mark off the leader in my arena and equal with another on same score as me but they both had 8 faults so we won our arena. Not sure if we won overall as the other arena was generally marked much more generously and I think even with the corrections we wouldn't have won overall but doesn't matter as team won so we all get to go to the finals :)
BE results: I got 36 which I initially thought was a little harsh as was hoping we'd improved but at least it was better than 40 odd from end of last season! We had 4 faults so finished on 40 overall. That left us on same score as 6th place but she jumped clear and had 40 dressage so she got the placing. If we'd finished on 36 we'd have been 3rd. Equal 1st were on 34.5 and one of those was ridden by a pro and the other I know gets score in the 20's regularly so well chuffed we weren't far behind and general consensus is that judging was a little harsh. In the end there were an awful lot of withdrawals - meant to be 40 in the class but only 23 completed dressage and show jumping. But still 7th out of 23 not bad IMO! Work out that normally that would be followed by our best XC phase and would def have been in line for a good placing had that been a ODE. We were =9th after dressage out of 34 so again I think that's a good result for us especially as I only worked out how to ride him after that test so hoping from now on if I ride like I did in N27 we should be online for some really decent scores this season as long as I can stop him from getting too tight and tense over his back at events.
First stop, dressage at MW tomorrow evening to do BE95 and BE106 and then it's T/down on Sunday - yay!
85cm RC round
XC schooling Munstead 03-03-12
XC schooling session at Munstead with Eloise Webb. Started off a little sticky which he always does so we stuck to jumping the 90 fences to start with including the trakehner but once we moved on past there we jumped all the 100 fences apart from the corner as it wasn't flagged. Things to remember - 3 gears for jumping out of, real steady coffin canter not really needed at our level, big strong SJ type canter for any combinations, drops etc. and jumping out of your stride then 4th gear top speed in between fences. Remember to sit up and slight check about 5 strides before the fence then leg on, ride forwards and channel them over the fences. Ride forwards through combinations to make the distances, dont hook back. If in doubt, leg on, ride forwards!
My new mantra - ride forwards, ride forwards, ride forwards!!!
We jumped through the 90 then the 100 sunken road complex then the water, flew over the hedge then the skinny, brush top, skinny palisade, flower box all completely like a pro - checking back when I asked and galloping on and jumping out of his stride no probs. We did the 90 angled palisades which initially didn't balance him enough and put in a 2nd short stride but then on 2nd attempt better balancing 5 strides out then ride forwards and straight on an acute angle to make the one stride perfectly - told the others that was how it should be done :) Really chuffed with him - he felt straight, genuine and honest :)
My new mantra - ride forwards, ride forwards, ride forwards!!!
We jumped through the 90 then the 100 sunken road complex then the water, flew over the hedge then the skinny, brush top, skinny palisade, flower box all completely like a pro - checking back when I asked and galloping on and jumping out of his stride no probs. We did the 90 angled palisades which initially didn't balance him enough and put in a 2nd short stride but then on 2nd attempt better balancing 5 strides out then ride forwards and straight on an acute angle to make the one stride perfectly - told the others that was how it should be done :) Really chuffed with him - he felt straight, genuine and honest :)
Merrist Wood schooling
the week consisted of hack on Tuesday, interval training Wed morning (3 x 4min canters in the field with 2mins walk in between and full recovery in 10mins), flatwork on Thur and then off to Merrist Wood to use the 20x40m set out arena.
Worked on getting him relaxing to start with, getting him to stretch into the contact. Then we did some walk work to get back end engaged then some canter work on and back which he did really nicely on both reins - still finds right rein harder but getting there. Pleased with the work he gave me. Then took him into the other school and ran through N27. It was pretty rubbish really - he wasn't with me at all, medium trot broke, broke in his trot circle etc. He did however do 2 super straight centre lines and a fab straight halt at the end. Did a little more work on softening him in the trot which he did nicely and finished there having done over an hour - oops!
Went back to Helen's and analysed the videos afterwards. Worked out holding my hands far too low, hooking back with my left wrist and not giving him a consistent contact at all. We also thought about how to ride certain movements better. Medium trot try and collect first half of corner then push on out of the corner and across the diagonal giving plenty of time to collect up again for the corner. In canter across the diagonal aim for a few feet before the marker so as not to have to hoik him round the corner and lose balance. Think hands up and out in front, can use hand upwards rather than backwards and still have same effect on asking him to flex.
Worked on getting him relaxing to start with, getting him to stretch into the contact. Then we did some walk work to get back end engaged then some canter work on and back which he did really nicely on both reins - still finds right rein harder but getting there. Pleased with the work he gave me. Then took him into the other school and ran through N27. It was pretty rubbish really - he wasn't with me at all, medium trot broke, broke in his trot circle etc. He did however do 2 super straight centre lines and a fab straight halt at the end. Did a little more work on softening him in the trot which he did nicely and finished there having done over an hour - oops!
Went back to Helen's and analysed the videos afterwards. Worked out holding my hands far too low, hooking back with my left wrist and not giving him a consistent contact at all. We also thought about how to ride certain movements better. Medium trot try and collect first half of corner then push on out of the corner and across the diagonal giving plenty of time to collect up again for the corner. In canter across the diagonal aim for a few feet before the marker so as not to have to hoik him round the corner and lose balance. Think hands up and out in front, can use hand upwards rather than backwards and still have same effect on asking him to flex.
Novice SJ Qualifier - Sands Farm 26-02-12
Last Sunday saw us off out again. This time down to Sands Farm for the Riding Club Novice Winter SJ Qualifier. First round 80cm, 2nd round 85cm and changed a lot too.
Worked on warming him up keeping him soft in the canter but nice and forwards. Popped a few jumps all nicely so in we went. He jumped a nice round apart from when I checked too much into the skinny off the corner where he got in far too deep but still cleared it. Also, I pushed on too much in the related distance thinking he would struggle with the distance as usual but he didn't so ended up taking out a stride and taking a flyer. Now he is taking a bigger, more powerful canter stride he is finding it easier to make related distances and is also more confident jumping off a longer stride. Must must remember not to hook him into skinny fences - much more likely to jump honestly and straightly if I push him up into my hands.
2nd round I remembered not to hook into the skinny and it rode really nicely off a sharp turn. Whole round felt smooth and in control and another fab clear. Clever pony.
Team not placed as loads of completely clear score sheets but satisfying result for us :)
Worked on warming him up keeping him soft in the canter but nice and forwards. Popped a few jumps all nicely so in we went. He jumped a nice round apart from when I checked too much into the skinny off the corner where he got in far too deep but still cleared it. Also, I pushed on too much in the related distance thinking he would struggle with the distance as usual but he didn't so ended up taking out a stride and taking a flyer. Now he is taking a bigger, more powerful canter stride he is finding it easier to make related distances and is also more confident jumping off a longer stride. Must must remember not to hook him into skinny fences - much more likely to jump honestly and straightly if I push him up into my hands.
2nd round I remembered not to hook into the skinny and it rode really nicely off a sharp turn. Whole round felt smooth and in control and another fab clear. Clever pony.
Team not placed as loads of completely clear score sheets but satisfying result for us :)
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