So, we started with a quick run round the combinations on the course. Otherwise didn't have time to walk it as it went on forever so just relied on him being fine to jump the individual fences.
Then off to dressage. He warmed up sweetly and I was really pleased with the test - he still needs to come off the forehand a bit but he was soft and willing and straight and I thought that was what judges were looking for at BE90 so was vaguely hopeful we might get sub 35. CC very welcome as I clearly know nothing about dressage given what we actually did score.
dressage warmup:
warming up round the edge of the arena:
dressage test BE95:
then we had a little gap so I watched a few SJ - looked a fairly nice course except tight line from oxer at 7, right hand turn to 8 then left hand turn to 9. He was half asleep tied up to the trailer despite it being next to the XC start but I got on him and he perked up so off we went to the warmup to find them running behind and 20 people still to jump so walked round for ages then picked him up and he absolutely pinged over the warmup fences - dragging me around - I only SJ in a snaffle and he felt ready to go XC! He did a nice enough round - backed off a bit at 3 in front of the commentary box and a really awful right turn to the planks at 8 but clear
SJ video:
XC course pics:
Anyway, on to the fun stuff. He warmed up sensibly which was nice after being completely off his trolley at Tweseldown. We walked over to the start box sensibly and started very sensibly (I think it's just T/down he hates!). Little sticky to no.1 as he was looking at stuff in the hedge then motored on to haycart no.2 and got a great shot at that, long gallop downhill and round a left hand bend to the house on the hill at 3 and he spooked wildly at something on the floor on the way which took me by surprise. Later realised he was spooking at the bits of gravel they'd used to fill in uneven areas of ground - there were a lot of these on the course and every time he'd fly sideways and piss off with me so that was entertaining. We got a lovely shot over no.3 though and then headed downhill again at the rate of knots, left turn to a combination of stone walls at 4 and 5 which jumped nicely then thankfully went uphill which allowed me to gather him up again before kicking on to the brush with a ditch before it at 6. Had heard the commentator saying all day it was causing trouble so made sure to ride it well and he flew it superbly. Right turn to the duck before the water which he trotted through then out over the boat which went well.
water jump:
then long gallop around a field, onto some ploughed stubble which he wasn't too sure about then downhill through a narrow gateway followed by sharp left hand bend - no idea how we made it round the corner as he took offence to galloping on stubble esp downhill and pissed off with me. Regained control up the hill to fence 9 a log pile on top of the hill but then off he went again downhill to a double of logpiles and we had our sticky jumps of the day as he got in too close to both we me hauling to get back control.
galloping around - fences 9-10
on again and down another hill and yet again he took off with me flat out, just about made it round the corner and steadied him in time for the hanging log at 11, then bit more controlled through the woods left hand turn to house thing at 12 which he jumped lovely, through some more woods and then steadied right up to make the turn to the hanging log on a downhill slope, 4 strides to a ditch. Slightly concerned as ditch obviously newly built on fresh sand so ground changed from grass to sand 2 strides after the hanging log and this is just the type of thing likely to make him sit up and look but kept leg on and he flew the ditch in his stride. Then galloped on slightly more in control now as uphill, flyer over the brush with ditch, great stride to the lion at 15 and then nicely up the final hill and a great shot over the last.
I had listened to the commentator on people getting time faults and heard the course was 5.43mins long so made the decision to ride in a nice forwards rhythm from the start but he completely got away from me with all the spooking at gravel and downhill stretches so we ended up coming in way under time at 5.07mins. At least I know he could have made the BE100 time easily as that is the next aim. However, before then I really need to get him under control. Am using a pelham which he totally respects out hunting but so far this season I cant hold one side of him in it. Dont want to overbit him but concerned we're riding on the seat of our pants and it all feels a bit lacking in control. He'll jump what I point him at but it needs to be safely and when it comes to more complicated combinations I need him to come back to me. Any ideas?
last fence:
Anyway, we ended up finishing 9th. 1st got a ridiculous dressage score of 22, but no-one else got under 32 so not sure if dressage scoring was a little random. 38 bit disheartening when I thought he went well but onwards we go. 3wks till Larkhill.
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