Alarm went off at 5.30 this morning but I was already awake - far too excited to sleep! Made it to Tweseldown by 7.30 and went off to walk the rather twisty tight SJ course then after my normal battle with the studs finally made it on to warm up for dressage. He did an ok test, everything in the right place but it did lack a bit of sparkle - he could have done with being a bit more forwards but not bad for first one of the season.
warming up:
On with the jumping tack and suddenly he woke up - completely different horse! Popped over each jump once in the warmup - met them all spot on, jumping nicely, albeit completely refusing to soften in the contact. Last few lessons been working on getting him softer and a bouncier canter but he wasn't having any of it today and just got arsey so I let him get on with jumping in the way he always has done. Course had some interesting lines and turns - lots of doglegs, related distances and tight turns plus a tight time so kept my foot down, saw a few interesting long ones but he responded and didn't try chipping in any short ones which made a nice change. Only just made the turn from 6 to 7 so he did well to clear that but chuffed with a nice clear. They announced my dressage of 36 which was a bit disappointing as I felt it was a bit better than that but hey ho.
Piccie of the triple bar - full permission from John Britter to post.
So, on to the fun bit! Walked course first on Wed, then again yesterday and they had moved a couple of fences to better ground so good thing I walked it again! First half similar to last yr's courses then a few changes in the middle. First mission - leaving the car park - numpty horse decided to play napping games and had to be led out. Then managed to forget my number and had to send friend back to get it. Cue him walking by himself to the XC warmup - not a good idea! Got as far as the hill and the motorbike's little rendezvous and he flipped his lid. Rearing, spinning, bunny hopping. He is such a monster - he will choose something to pretend to be scared of and then use as an excuse to have a huge napping fit. Nearly squashed several people on the hill - apologies if it was anyone here. Fortunately saw someone I knew coming down to the warmup and got her to lead me in but even once in there he was being a complete shite. He's always been bad in the warmup there but never this bad. Not fun at all. Wouldn't go near the steward, leaping, spinning, rearing. Gave him a kick and a smack and he did a huge buck. Jumping amazingly though lol - really forwards and getting up in the air nicely. Sometimes he can be a bit sticky about the first XC jump but he was on fire. With one to go I gave him a wake up canter and he just took off with me! So glad I elected to put the pelham in as he was on a mission.
Had to be led down to the start from the middle of the warmup and then led into the entrance to the start box and then he was off. He absolutely flew over 1 to 4 - flower box, chair, hayrack and hanging log but as he landed from a lovely jump over the hanging log he ripped his shoe off. I saw it go flying past my right ear and had a momentary thought about pulling up but he is a toughy and regularly pulls a shoe off halfway through hunting and completes so elected to carry on as long as he felt ok. Saw a long one at the horrid sloping palisade drop thing at 5:
Then onto the brush roll tops on a curve at 6 which we didn't get a great line to as fighting for control down the hill but kicked on and he stayed true. Popped over the little one at 7 then momentary loss of direction as looked for line up the hill to the corner. Saw a long, forward one at the corner (have been guilty in the past of over checking at corners so was trying to ride forwards) but he decided to chip in a little one so got scarily close there. On to the hanging logs at 10 and 11, just making the right turn to 11. Then I managed to fail to set him up for the sunken road as he was pulling my arms out - I just let him bowl on too much so he put in a little one and half fell up the step, completely lost reins, sat up and just kept leg on whilst grabbing my knitting and he popped through the road no probs.
Then onto the dry ditch, 2 strides to brush - he only saw ditch at last minute so slightly intersting jump over that but nice and straight to the brush. Then he just took off - he was spooking at things left and right and all over the place - not fun! Managed to regain some control to make the turn to the house before the water which he took nicely and then dropped to trot for the water, out the other side, turn and back in again, picked up canter and popped out and over the next one no probs:
(what do you think of the new XC kit? I'm loving it - great birthday pressie! although the point 2 does appear to make me look clinically obese - old BP was much more flattering)
Then flew up the hill, down the other side, spooking at a few more things for good measure, flew the chair at 15, up to another log pile and round to the final house, kicking on through the finish as I know the time is usually tough here. Bit of a mental round - really need to work on control and also on his focus - he is so busy spooking at other jumps, objects around the course it's hard to keep his concentration on me and the fences (any suggestions?)
So, sorted him out and then toddled over to see the scores. Turns out my judge wasn't too generous and only one score under 30 so we were actually lying in the lead at this stage as jumping causing plenty of probs. We came in 22secs under time - oops! Took pony off home and came back couple of hours later for scores. Ended up coming 3rd! 34 starters so that gets us a RF qualification and a nice little handful of FP's and a cheque for £31! Not a bad start to the season
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