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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Arsey orange one - another schooling session.

late lunch at work today so nipped down to ride just as it was getting dark.  Started off by thinking about riding him forwards into a steady contact and not asking for flexion until we had connection.  I was really pleased with the way the warmup went on both reins.  I started with lots of lateral work in walk, gradually asking for more connection and incorporating the head to wall leg yield.  Picked up trot on left rein and continued same theme of forwards into steady contact but not letting him slop again.  Did some canter and then let him stretch right down. Repeated same on right rein and it all felt good.  Trot stretch was especially lovely but canter work also very pleasing - much softer in the neck than he has been.

Then gave him a walk break.  Picked him up again and it was like I hadn't warmed him up!  Got him back to how he was earlier on the left rein but when I changed to the right rein he was all arsey.  When I tried to ride forwards into a steady contact he just ignored me, if I asked more firmly he cantered.  Every time I brought him back to trot he went all hollow and yucky and refused to go forward off my leg into the contact.  Ugh - it was horrid!  Put him into canter which seemed to sort things which in itself is bloody ridiculous as right canter was always his absolute weakest thing ever and now I'm using it to fix problems in the trot.  Maybe that's what I need to do at the moment if he goes hollow - get him forwards in canter and then ride the trot forwards afterwards.  When he did soften it felt fine - it's all in his head!  It's not that he cant do, but he gets all silly about something and goes all tight.

We did some walk to canter on the left rein which was initially accompanied by bucking and farting but then calmed down.  Need to be careful not to use too strong leg aids as he is quite reactive to my leg at the moment and doesn't actually need a big aid.  Right rein not so good initally but got better.  I'm sure half the probs on the right rein are me.  left rein I pick up the walk and he does a nice medium walk.  Right rein we get quarters swinging all over the place!

Did a bit of medium canter on the circle which went well.  Tried some medium trot which went badly - am so rubbish at teaching medium trot it frustrates me hugely :(

Then did a bit of stuff with my music playing in the background.  Interestingly now the trot doesn't seem to fit that well but the canter has steadied and now fits pretty much spot on.  Will be interesting to see what the judge thinks on Friday.  I can probably alter the trot slightly to try and make it work.  No idea on my floor plan - am just going to ad lib!

Finished with some trot lateral work - the trot head to wall is really good for getting him into the outside rein esp on the left rein as it means I have right bend, riding into left rein but he cant escape.  He seemed to find it quite hard on the right rein which is interesting as I thought he'd find it easier as it involves stepping under with the left hind which is his better hind.  It very much helped the general connection though so that's definitely one to remember to use more often.  Finished with left trot feeling lovely - up and engaged and soft in the hand.  Right trot better than it was but nowhere near like left trot.  Must remember to use the trot leg yield in the warmup as it really engages him.  Can also use canter leg yield.  Finished with a really lovely loose trot on both reins.

Off to Olympia tomorrow!

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