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Saturday 3 December 2011

more schooling

moved my trotting poles out by half a foot so 5.5feet between them but still not enough for him to really bother with extending over.

was a bit frustrated with right rein work today.  let him have longer down before i picked him up and he was quite happy down or in a kind of prelim outline but not happy about being picked up on the right rein.  fine on the left rein.  being annoyingly fussy in the contact when first picked up into trot from walk on a long rein on either rein.  did do some nice canter work on the right rein though.  glad that is improving but frustrated by the trot work at the moment.  I feel so un-ambidextrous it's untrue.  I get exactly the feeling I want on the left rein, but simply cant replicate it on the right rein.

remembered to think outside aids round the corner onto the centre line which helped keep him much straighter.

finished with running through P14/N24 ready for Wed.  Prelim went quite well - nothing he cant do nicely other than G&R in trot.  N24 all good except medium trot which was horrific - hollow and running - yuck, yuck, yuck.  Anticipating more 4's on Wed if it carries on like that.  Am trying to get him to associate the word big with the big trot over the poles so I can get it on the diagonal but at the moment it just seems to make him tense up and run more.  Must remember to rise bigger to see if I can get it then.  Will try on tue bringing the trot back and then on again on the circle as that helps him to spring into bigger trot and if I can do that a bit round the corner I might be able to get a bit of spring on the diagonal in the test.

Need to practice canter-trot-canter changes of rein a bit more as nothing like a bit of anticipation to help with that movement.  Today did a fair few trot strides to rebalance him but it did make for quite a nice change of leg bearing in mind striking off to right canter isn't his strongest point anyway.

Medium canter on a circle went quite well - remember to ride with hocks underneath him.  He came back to working canter really nicely from my seat so pleased with that.

G&R in canter on the right rein not great but he didn't hollow, just stretched his head and neck out so better than a giraffe impression.  Really tried to sit on my bum and just straighten arms rather than tipping forwards.

Remember on the final half circle on centre line to ride outside aids and then to half halt before asking for transition to halt so he doesn't gape onto my hands.

Hunting tomorrow with the Kent and Surrey bloodhounds again.  This time down at Coombelands.  Hopefully get to do some fun hedges again :)

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