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Wednesday 29 August 2012

End of week 4

Have mostly managed roughly 45mins walking every day this week.  Mon and Tue did 30mins round the block then 15mins in the school as was losing the light - he didn't feel like he was liking the school surface very much - really ploddy.  All hacks have been good though - all solo but back on 15 ACP a day and happy ploddy hacks with no explosions.  Sunday he had 10 ACP and I rode him 2hrs later and that was a bit scary as he was rather drunk and nearly tripped over at one point so lesson learnt there.

Today I gave him 10 ACP as was planning on riding at lunchtime as on half day but had to wait until nearly 5pm due to torrential rain.  He was full of it all the way round the hack, really marching forwards which is how I like him except when we got back to joining the main road and I could just feel he wasn't in the mood for standing still and because we'd had to wait till that time it was really busy.  Turned him round and walked back the wrong way for a bit and then tried again but still constant traffic.  He wouldn't stand at all, reared up and just leapt sideways straight into the traffic and only just missing a bicycle :(

Stupid me forgot to give him his 2days off the Cool, Calm and Collected both weekends so he had Mon/Tue off instead and went back on it this morning.  Not sure if that will have had any effect or not.  Spoke to Equifeast and they said maybe he needs more Mg, not less so sent me extra to try and also Optimax which is l-tryptophan so will start him on them tomorrow and see what happens!

He has been pretty calm to turn out and bring in this week since back on ACP even though it's not actually working by time he is turned out.  Think just one morning where he had a bit of a leap but nothing major.

Leg still looking fine - cross fingers.

Another week of 45mins daily planned although he will miss Friday as I'm away at Burghley and he is also gonna stay out Thur/Fri night so will be interesting to see what his behaviour is like on Sat evening when I come back.  Hopefully better for being out and having the extra Mg.

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