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Sunday 14 October 2012

End of 2nd week of trotting and Llewi hunting

Up to 5mins trotting by the end of this week.  Increased by 30secs each ride until we got to 5mins then stuck at that.

Not a great week though as due to being back and work and dark evenings have had to do 4 schooling sessions and one short-ish hack so only done one decent length hack.

Schooling sessions have been ok though - he has been soft and willing.  He still does rein back better than any horse I've seen recently whilst writing for BD Elem/Med!  We are just trotting large round the edge of the school and walking over some poles.  Not asking for anything great in the trot, just forwards and soft and he seems happy.

End of the week started on Equifeast Ulcer Supplement.  Still on Winning Edge Gold as well.

Took Llewi hunting today - SC&RMA opening meet at 4 seasons hotel.  Stuck with 2nd fieldmaster and had my eyes opened to what it is like at the back of the field.  First line horse dropped dead in front of me trapping his rider underneath.  Had to roll horse off her but he was dead by the time I got to him.  Rider was ok but in total shock - tried to reassure her that nothing she could have done but it was so emotionally draining.  What a horrific thing to happen :(  He died doing what he loved but god what a shock.

2nd line was a bit nothingy as just stood and watched others jump the hedges at Swans Farm.

3rd line horse put foot down rabbit hole behind me and catapaulted his rider headfirst into the ground and knocked her out cold.  Cue call to ambulance and then heard air ambulance was coming.  Road ambulance went past us so ended up doing lots of cantering around the stubble field and trotting up the road whilst on the phone to 999 trying to get them to send ambulance back.  Then helicopter came so we had to make a quick exit - flew low over us and Llewi didn't bat an eyelid.  He wasn't too happy about being made to wait with injured rider whilst rest of field moved off though - proper temper tantrums.  That was the end of our line and just walked onto start of 4th line.

4th line back round the hotel grounds and let him jump the final fence and he flew it.

Generally pleased with him but he wasn't easy.  If I tried to steady him whilst galloping he just stuck his head on the floor and tanked.  Didn't want to stand still unless it suited him, throwing himself around and having huge temper tantrums.  He is such a stroppy bugger!

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