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Thursday 27 June 2013

MRI scan results

So, after a nerve racking 3 days the vet rang this morning with the scan results and it is very good news.  There is no evidence of damage to the important soft tissue structures - the DDFT, collateral and impar ligaments.  There is some distension of the coffin joint which we knew about and there are some minor changes to the navicular bone that we knew about but that are probably irrelevant in a horse his age.

So, now we just need to find a long term shoeing solution for him.  Eamon spoke to Jake and both came to the conclusion Monty should see Liphook's farrier at least for a couple of shoeings as Jake felt he didn't have enough experience in the types of remedial shoeing that Eamon wants Monty to have.  We have arranged for Monty to have normal shoes put back on tomorrow which should allow him to return to work and then see Liphook's farrier in 3weeks time when we can fit it into mine, Eamon's and the farrier's diaries!  Eamon initially wanted him to see Richard Lovejoy, but it just wasn't possible so have got him in with Ross Eager instead.  They are both into the same types of shoeing so probably doesn't make much difference.  Both members of ELPO (Equine lameness prevention organisation) which sounds encouraging.  Will be itnerested to see what he has to say but we are going to have to be reasonable.   I cant sustain £200 sets of shoes every month and I really dont think wedging up his heels is the right thing for him when he's going XC on anything other than mud as he just feels them too much.

Good news is he appears sound again now.  Rode him this afternoon in the school in his hoofboots and he feels quite good and did some nice simple changes and basic trot work.  Kept it fairly simple as dont like working him in the hoof boots - they're so clumpy!

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