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Wednesday 12 June 2013

Tracey lesson - Angel Farm - 12-06-13

Walk corners properly - thinking almost piris in the corners

Walk SI one side of the square then travers the next side.  On the left rein must really kick him off my left leg into the right rein so I can ride without trying to bring the left hand across the withers and the right one out to the side.  Outside rein needs to stay into the withers.  The travers was good and could easily give away the inside rein.  Right rein much better than left.

Moved onto cantering squares and thinking SI on the sides of the squares and mini piris in the corner then G&R both reins on the sides.  Tough work!  Did right rein first and he was really sticky - just not ready to sit enough behind to do this well at the moment - just kept grinding to a halt!  Left rein was really good though.  Must just remember not to bring his head in further than his shoulders in the SI.  Keep nose in line with shoulders.

Simple changes - ask for the downwards transition on the last part of the circle, think close the knees/thighs and lift my chest upwards to try and stop him diving onto his forehand in the downwards transition.  Think of a subtle voice command to use at the same time.  If he comes above the bit in the upwards transition then back to walk, think sit on bum, sit tall, close leg and lift up into the transition straight away and repeat until good.

Trot lateral work - ground to a halt in the trot LY in rising trot, was falling out through the shoulder and trailing quarters in the next country!  So, picked him up in sitting trot and he promptly did perfectly acceptable SI, travers and a not bad attempt at HP!  Bloody horse.  So, have to stick to doing LY in sitting trot and getting the crossing and not worrying so much about the forwardness at the moment.  Need to try and work that into our freestyle now!!

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