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Sunday 4 August 2013

Another couple of BD outings

Wed 31st July - Pachesham
Started with P19.  Warmed up nicely enough.  Tried to get him nice and off my leg although it's a bit of a mission at the moment as he just generally feels like he cant be arsed.  Went up to the arena and saw that the bloody PC had set up camp in the next door field and pitched a load of tents down the long side.  I knew this was not going to go down well with Monty.  He really doesn't like things like that.  I took him into the arena, his eyes popped out on stalks and we had full on rearing, spinning, leaping display.  Exactly how he behaves about going into a XC start box.  Normally I cant manage that as just cant get him going forwards but with the whole arena to use I had more of a chance.  I got him going up the long side and attempted to get inside bend but as soon as we came across the arena he freaked again.  Ended up basically going for extreme inside flexion to get him to listen to me and somehow I got him into an outline albeit a rather tense one.

I had visions of having to withdraw before we started so was actually amazed by the test he then produced for me.  It was full of expression, impulsion, forwardness and only a couple of moments where he blanked me as too busy trying to look at tents.  He actually felt fabulous!   Ended up coming 2nd in a big class on 68.63%.  Got 6 for first centre line as he was drifting off to the left trying to get away from the tents, a 6 for canter right transition as too busy trying to stare at tents and then 6 for the change of rein through trot away from the tents for being resistant through jaw (he was trying to bugger off with me so chuffed for just maintaining trot!).  The rest was 7's and he even got 8's for his walk work including the FWLR towards the tents.  Was very proud of him for coming back to me after having such a meltdown.  Collectives 7767. "Well produced test, more relaxation whilst maintaining the connection now for higher marks".  But for once, I had that elusive forwardness and connection.  That's what I need all the time! Judge: Sam Amos

I wasn't expecting that much from the N38 after that display as expected he'd used up a lot of nervous energy but he was a good boy, just could have been a bit more forwards.  Managed 65.48% from List 3 judge which is a good score but we were seriously outclassed.  Followed horse into the arena who got 74%!!  There were just loads of very very nice horses there.  Got all 6's and 7's though - first section of test solid 7's except 6 for canter right circle as nodding head.  6's for medium trots and then a series of 6's before back up to 7's again for last bit of test.  7667 collectives.  "Pretty pony and some promising moments.  He needs to carry more weight on the hind leg in the canter come more through"  We came 8th in the Restricted out of 14, 9th out of 18 overall.  Judge: B. Beresford-Wright

Fri 2nd August - Oldencraig
Slightly overcooked the warmup as got my time wrong by 10mins but generally felt he warmed up nicely - did some nice trot leg yield - the mirrors are soooo helpful!  N22 was in the International outside - good to get him in these arenas before AF's in a couple of weeks.  He was a bit tense but generally it was an ok test.  He got 5 for his first medium trot and then did a stonking medium canter on the right rein but massively swung his quarters in on the return so got a 5 for that too.  Otherwise all 6's and 7's.  2 lots of FWLR both double marks so good to get 7's for those.  He has the potential to up most of those 6's to 7's and definitely ditch the 5's.  Should be consistently getting high 60's with a bit more work.  64.82% so just missed out of a qualifying score for Regional but got our final AF sheet.  7667 collectives. "A willing test, needs to come yet more through and over the back, esp in the trot work.  But a nice partnership"  Spot a theme here yet?  Came 6th out of 9 overall.  Think we were 5th out of 6 in the Restricted, less than 1% behind the very very nice horse we followed into the arena who had stonking paces so quite chuffed with that.  Judge: Jenny Gillett

Next test was N39 and I think just one test too much - we have done an awful lot in last couple of weeks in the need to qualify for Areas.  He went into the indoor arena and died on me.  Because he wasn't forwards I didn't have the connection, there wasn't much contact in my hands and therefore impossible to ride that test well.  He got mostly 6's.  Managed 7 for entry and halt, the medium walk, FWLR, the G&R in canter (which is a huuuuuge improvement on last yr when he might have managed a 5), the canter-trot-canter on L rein and his final halt.  Got a 5 and a 4 for his medium trots - ouch!  And a 5 for breaking in the 2nd medium walk.  Deserved his score of 61.03%.  766 66 66 66 for collectives.  "Willing horse who needs to work with more impulsion to aid connection and develop paces further"  Judge: Sally Price

Had his hocks injected later on that day so a quiet week this week and then pick him back up for Area Festivals and hope the hock injections help with getting a bit more push from behind.

Somehow either on our hack on Thursday or walking across the stones in the car park on Friday he managed to bruise both heel bulbs again - this is getting quite ridiculous.  Still 2.5wks more before we go back to farrier at Liphook and get to chat to him and Eamon again but still not convinced we've sorted this issue and wouldn't surprise me if I ran him XC again at the moment (if the ground was soft enough) that he'd probably be lame again afterwards.  Feel like we're not really any further on since March :(  Really really need to try and sort him so can go to Grassroots Regionals even if nothing else :(  Seems ok if stay on a surface but not really a future life for a horse who lives to run.

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