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Wednesday 11 January 2012

oh dear

Today involved trip to the saddler to pick up my jump saddle all nicely reflocked and with an extra d-ring for my hunt flask (v important that!).  dressage saddle should hopefully arrive just before due to start competing at Tweseldown.  Any dressage I do between now and then will have to be in my GP saddle but cant be helped - not going back to the dressage saddle that made him sore.

Back to the yard and off out on a quick hack before the physio.  Tried to pop him over the log I have jumped a couple of times before which is in a slightly awkward place meaning not a great run up and he was not a good stride so he stopped.  He has never ever just stopped at any kind of XC fence apart from once when I very first got him and we had a miscommunication.  Jumped it fine 2nd time.  V concerned about this sudden onset stopping.  Took him in the school when we got back as had built a little fence, about 2ft6 ascending spread.  Jumped it fine a couple of times then 3rd time I didn't get a great stride and he stopped.  I think I knew he was going to and just froze.  If I'd put my leg on he'd have jumped it I'm sure but him stopping on Sunday has definitely affected my confidence and my legs just go to jelly.  Came round again and was more positive and had a bit of an awkward jump but got over it ok.  Did it a few more times singing "nellie the elephant" and looking up and all was fine.  Put it up a hole and made it into a square oxer and came round again no probs and then from the other way no probs but was really having to ride it rather than just sit there like I normally can with him.  Really hope his confidence hasn't run away forever :(  SJing is my worst bit and the bit I rely on him being the best at.

Had the physio after that to treat him under sedation.  Stood him up and noticed he'd lost another bloody front shoe - not sure when that happened, maybe when he stopped out hacking but I didn't notice him not sounding even when we trotted back down the road.  Couldn't find it in the school so bit bemused.  Physio assessed him and thought he looked a bit straighter in walk, looser in his bum muscles, still a bit tender at the back of the saddle area.  Then I sedated him - first IV inj in a horse for a couple of yrs but no probs.  Good news was she didn't find anything hideous.  He is v tight through the neck to the right and we had some good clunking going on there when she mobilised him.  His poll was ok though.  Then I had to lean on his head and keep it down while she H-waved his bum.  He was pretty stiff through his lumbosacral region and took a lot to get him really bouncing there.  She did a few hindlimb movements to loosen up his hips, pulled on his tail a bit and that was that.  She said she didn't think she should need to treat him under sedation again which is good news for my bank account.  He has to have bute for 5days and no work then 3days of long reining in walk and some in-hand pole work and then she's coming back and hopefully he will get the all clear to return to normal work.

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