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Sunday 8 January 2012

Week one 2012

Well, after the shittest end to 2011 imaginable losing my precious Jazzy dog this week feels like it has gone on and on and on.  I seem to have spent most of it in a daze :(

I took Montster hunting on NYD to try and blow away the cobwebs.  Was in tears multiple times before I even got on.  Did actually have a good day in the end, Monty jumped really well, even taking the lead at one hedge.  Jumped the hedges that I always used to think were huge but actually after going out with the K&S bloodhounds these were small fry!

Monday worked for Vets Now which was emotionally hard work and not a lot of fun.

Wed the saddler came for Llewi - dressage saddle bad, jumping saddle not much better.  No wonder he hasn't been going great.  Tried some new dressage saddles on him.  The 3rd one we put on he was like a different horse.  Suddenly he went forwards, felt much freer through his shoulders and softer on the right rein. It was a revelation!  Saddler leant me the saddle for the week and suddenly got all enthusiastic about schooling again so we did Thur/Fri in the school and he was amazing both times.  Soft on the right rein, through in the transitions, I could even do some sitting trot in it!  Dont want to give it back now!  Have ordered my new saddle but it will take 6wks to arrive :(

Today I couldn't decide what to do.  Have hunted last 3wks in a row so didn't fancy that again.  Was hoping to go and pop round a SJ round at MW but they were full up when I popped down in the morning.  Ended up going to see Llewi.  All is not so well in Llewi land as when I posted my last blog entry.  He is being difficult to catch and poor loaner has lost her confidence after falling off him a few wks back.  I rode him today and he was good as gold.  He still doesn't feel absolutely 100% on a hard surface though - I dont think this is going to change now as it's been the same since he came back into work a year ago so I spose it's good it's not deteriorating but still a shame that he will only really be capable of light work forever more.  So, he is coming back at some point in the next couple of wks and going to share with Dan again (poor Dan was prob glad to be rid of him but hey ho, not many other options).  Becky who shares the field at the moment is having to give back her horse so she will take over Llewi and hope it works out or I dunno what I'll do with the little bugger.

So, after doing that I headed back to the yard and stuck up some jumps for Monty.  Not jumped him hardly at all since last event mid October.  Been to one SJ clinic and that's it.  Figured it was time for some practice. Built a parallel down the long side, a 1 stride double across the diagonal all about 2ft9 and then a barrel on it's side with poles for guidance.  He jumped them all absolutely fabulously.  In a nice rhythm, got perfect strides every time, jumped bits of the double as single jumps on an angle and never wavered.  Then we had a little rest while someone put the jumps up for me and in that time the light really dropped so stuck the school lights on and it all fell apart.  First attempt at the parallel he walloped the front rail so hard he took it over the top of the back rail and down the other side whilst somehow leaving up the back rail.  He didn't get in particularly deep, just didn't pick his feet up.  Then it all seemed to go wrong.  I tried to keep my approach the same but somehow a stride just wouldn't materialise.  He kept putting in short ones and then eventually he stopped and I dont really blame him because I put him on such a misser 3 times in a row.  Put it down a bit but he stopped again.  Put it down a bit more and he stopped even more violently and I came off.  Landed on feet so got back on and we put it right down to a cross and he still ducked out so he got a smack, not allowed to properly turn away, just brought him back to fence and made him jump it from a standstill.  Then gradually built it back up to about 2ft6 spread and left it there.  Didn't jump my double or the barrel again.  Not entirely sure what got into him as not like him to stop - not sure if the sudden change in light was all it was or the fact I seriously fucked up the approach a few times in a row or whether he scared himself the first time taking the front rail with him or a bit of all 3.  Funny how it all went wrong when the lights went on though and that jump was right under a floodlight so maybe he just couldn't see it properly.  Was so pleased with how it had all gone initially - was really thinking we had cracked this SJ lark as I just kept a nice rhythm, remembered to ride forwards round the corners and it all worked so well.  He even jumped the skinny barrel without any hesitation.  So disappointed with the stopping - really really not like him.  I dont think it's anything physical as he jumped so well initially and I'm not convinced it was just putting the jumps up that made it all go so wrong. Really hope it was just the lighting and he was being a spooky bugger but still not impressed with the stopping as he's always been very reliable SJing.  Going to get up early in the morning and pop over them again in daylight as he's got physio under sedation on Wed so will be having some time off and dont want to end on that jumping session as regardless of him, I know it will play on mind for wks to come.  Going to have to really concentrate on riding forwards tomorrow which I wont find easy now he's done that.  Damn it - cant anything go right at the moment :(

Went to see a potential new dog Sat afternoon but it was no good.  Just kept barking at Tyson and then really going for him.  He was cowering and it was not nice to see.  She was really lovely with people but Tyson is most important at the moment.  Back to the drawing board.

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