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Sunday 31 July 2011

Gallops training for Monty

This afternoon went off to LMEQ for the first time.  Bit of a trek over there just for some galloping which I could do on the ranges but I really wanted to do it with the furlong markers and also the ground everywhere else is a bit hard so good to go on the all weather gallops.

We did 10 furlongs easy in 8mins so he obviously trots faster than a furlong a minute which is 200mpm which is the speed we have to go.  That's reassuring as means we can have a little canter, walk for a bit and still make it with plenty of time to spare.  Discovered he walks at 100mpm and trots at about 250mpm in a good forward going trot.  Then had my one minute break, stuck my stirrups up a couple of holes and went for a gallop!

Oh, how much fun to be able to let him go and not worry about stopping at the other end or him spooking and having me off.  Well, he did manage a couple of spooks and some wild changing of legs and even managed to get a disunited gallop but in general it was good.  Last furlong he slowed up considerably as clocked the PC camp next to the final furlong.  But we still managed 7 furlongs in 2mins which is 700mpm.  The speed for the steeplechase is 500mpm so I think even with the jumps in the way he'll still manage that pretty easily!  Walked all the way back to the beginning and then did another 6 furlongs in 2mins which I think is more the speed I'll aim for.  Not convinced about having my stirrups quite that high - was fine as long as not needing to use my legs but found myself getting a bit unbalanced when needing to kick on so might have them down a hole from today's length.

Used tubigrip under his XC boots today which really helped with not letting any surface up under the boots to rub his precious white legs.  Also works well for afterwards for putting ice round his legs.

Easing off on him this week so he's nice and fresh for the weekend.  Few light hacks and a last minute lesson on Thur evening and we'll be all set!

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