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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Monty GBEC unaff dressage 20-07-11

Took Monty to GBEC in the rain - fortunately it kept at a drizzle so we didn't get too wet.

Had some acrobatics above the ground getting him into the warmup - spin followed by huge leap and then buck, repeated twice!  Lovely horse.  Good as gold once in the warmup.  Still finding him hard going on the right rein not helped by waking up this morning with a really painful right wrist for some reason.

1st test was P18 and the arena was really boggy with huge puddles in each corner and right on the 20m circle line at B/E which wasn't helpful.  Of course being an eventer/hunter you'd think he'd be used to mud but he spent the whole test trying to climb the sides of the arena!  We had the same judge who gave us 69.1% at BD last week and today we got 70.4%.  Really unhelpful sheet though - straight 7's with an 8 for his final halt and one comment on his canter left trans saying "smooth trans".  straight 7's for collectives "A smooth, very consistent, accurately ridden test - well done"  4th out of 20

Had a little walk around and then we were in for N34 in a different arena with a much nicer surface.  I thought he did a really nice test for him but it still needs more impulsion and he needs to use his back end more.  He tried a little something in the medium trot but it's still not quite there - I can feel the potential for it, just need to unlock it!  V pleased to see he got 67.5% and was equal first with matching collectives.  Unfortunately venue decided they didn't like equal first and to split us they would look at the marks for the first 3 movements and make the decision based on that.  We had straight 7's but the other girl must have had an 8 so we lost out on first place, qualification for some championships and the £10 saddlery voucher.  Not impressed.  I am not a bad loser but I didn't lose - they just made up that rule on the spot.  Why not look at the last 3 movements - I had an 8 there, might have won based on that, I mean what a ridiculous rule.  If the marks and the collectives are the same then it's a draw!  I tried to tell them it wasn't fair but they wouldn't have it and by this point it was gone 9pm so I grabbed sheet and the poxy blue rosette and legged it.  Made it back to yard just before 10pm - yuck!

Am pleased with Montster though - he got straight 7's for the first 6 movements, then 6's for his medium canters, but 7's for the changes of leg through trot, 5's for his medium trot saying no difference, 7's for his stretchy trot and centre line and another 8 for his final halt.  Collectives were 776 for paces, 76 for impulsion 77 for submission and 87 for my riding - I like getting 8's for my riding - that always cheers me up!  COmments: " Lovely harmony between horse and rider, just ran out of steam for trot mediums, would like to see more push from hindquarters to encourage lift and more difference.  Could be more through and supple in the canter work"  Both judges list 6.  Equal 1st out of about 10 I think.

Onwards and upwards - we are off to BD again at Pachesham next Wed for N22 and N39 and I'm pretty sure 39 has a dreaded give and retake in canter.  We might be pushing it a bit with these 2 tests but he has come on a lot recently.  I just need to get some more impulsion from somewhere - he is a lazy git in the dressage.  Bigger spurs dont help as he just gets tail swishy and arsy and you cant use the whip as he gets even more arsey!  He is on a calmer to try and reduce the number of airs above the ground and spookiness in his general day to day life but I do think it makes him hard work to get enough energy for the schooling.  I dont much like hacking him out even with the calmer though, so he's staying on it for now as I like to live!

1 comment:

  1. Well done - what a pain about the silly rule - stupid people - never heard of that! they probably only had one voucher or something crazy!

    I think the reason a lot of people who do dressage ONLY do dressage is that their horses are too looney to hack etc. as they have them so hyped up to get the impulsion in the arena!
