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Friday 8 July 2011

RC National Qualifier - Newlands Corner 03-07-11

Started off with Monty in N28.  He did a very sweet test for him, just spoilt it by snatching the rein into the free walk and again after we halted but generally very pleased with him.  Only his 3rd Novice test.  Bit disappointed with 62.92%.  Bit confused by sheet as good equal mix of 6's and 7's for marks but only straight 6's for collectives.  If she'd just given a couple of 7's then we would have been a place or 2 higher individually (we were 6th in our arena our of 14) and our team would probably have won instead of coming 3rd (we were equal score to 2nd, just split on collectives and only 1 place behind 1st).  comment said "Pleasing partnership of horse and rider, just needs to work with more wt behind, well done" list 5 judge

Almost straight into N34 and it was really hot so that wasn't ideal.  Again though he did a sweet obedient test, not great in his medium canters but a tough test for him.  He got a 5 for his working canter right into medium canter and a 5 for his first medium trot, then a 5 for his trot down the centre line as he swung his quarters right.  rest was a good mix of 6's and 7's though.  collectives 777 for paces, 76 for impulsion, 56 for submission, 66 for rider. "attractive horse just needs to develop greater suppleness through the back to allow good paces and energy to work more consistently into the contact".  Another list 5 judge.  came 7th out of 14.

Then onto N28 with Llewi.  He felt ok warming up and then I thought he did a really sweet test just ruined by him spooking at some people behind the hedge in the final halt.  It was the calmest test he's done in a long time.  Was really depressed to see score of 55.83% which has got to be one of his worst scores ever.  Mix of 5's and 6's and a 4 for final halt.  Comments all the way down are "stiff" but mostly for the canter work, his trot work got the 6's, canter the 5's.  6566 for collectives (which takes the piss as she gave Monty 6666 and he was way better than Llewi).  "Kind horse, pleasing partnership, however some stiffness created loss of balance and running onto forehand - check hocks?"  Gutted :(  First time a judge has had a problem with him since his injury.  Watched video and def doesn't look happy on right hind when its on the inside.

Did the riding test afterwards as had no idea about score/comments at this stage.  Numpty rider forgot the test but as it happens didn't drop me a place anyway.  Laura was fab and won her arena, but me and Karen 11th and 10th in our arena so team only placed 5th.  Didn't feel like I rode that well - tired as 4th test of the day.  Felt Llewi did another nice calm test though.  I had given him a Magic calmer syringe for the first time before the first test so whether that helped him calm down dont know but he was definitely calmer than usual.  Rubbish score of 58.5%,  How can I have dropped 10% in a week?  Girl I beat by a percent last week beat me by 15% - ridiculous!  only got two 7's although then got straight 7's for my position at the end with 6's for empathy and effectiveness.  "soft in seat, good use of lower leg, allowed movement well but needs to keep horse balanced on long rein"  got a 5 for the 2nd G&R which said brief when the direction says 2-3 strides and i know i def counted 2 strides.  grrrrr.  i hate riding tests!

have got videos of everything but they take so long to upload so just put the one on.

trying to decide what to do with Llewi - not nice being crucified like that.  perhaps he is just not happy to do dressage on grass.  Come to the conclusion he is never going to be my dressage horse though - he doesn't have the temperament and after this injury there is just no point pushing him when he'll never be truly competitive as he's so silly.  Just trying to decide what to do now.  Either keep him but tone down my expectations - do the odd test at places he likes (good practice for me to ride tests but not sure what other benefit there is of doing this as never been one to just do things for the sake of it - always like to have things to aim for) and just hack and light schooling in between.  Dont need another horse just doing not a lot though. He's expensive and time consuming.  Try and get another sharer for him, loan him out, LWVTB to low key home where not so much expected of him.  If cant do any of these, hunt him until he breaks - feels a bit harsh though.  He needs to go to a nice low key home where he has a nice big field and just goes hacking and maybe the odd local bit of showing/dressage.  My expectations dont fit with him physically or mentally :(  Love him to absolute bits though - would miss him sooooooo much :(

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