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Sunday 9 August 2015

AM92. Priory. 09-08-15

Had to choose one of the hottest days of the year for my Advanced Medium debut didn't I?!  Good plan to clip Monty yesterday which must have helped a bit but not a lot!  Neither me nor him like hot weather.  Didn't start well when after peeling my white breeches on I then found I couldn't get my long boots done up - they are snug on a good day so with the heat there was no chance they were doing up!  Cue last minute polish of my reserve boots (thank god I packed them!) and even they were a bit snug!  Got myself on board to find out another person had withdrawn so the one and only person in my class had already gone in and I could go whenever I was ready.  Did a bit of warmup with some walk piris, some changes and some half pass but not ideal to only do 15mins.  If I'd done more he'd just have been over-cooked though so given he did everything ok I opted to take that.

The trot work was hard work, medium trots didn't really happen, the changes weren't too bad though and we finished where we were meant to which is always a bonus!  Not too shabby for a first go.  Chuffed to find out we got 62.568% from Debby Lush - only a List One judge!!! Collectives 6.5, 6.0, 6.0 and 6.5.  Interesting that at Advanced Medium only the Submission and Rider marks get doubled, not the paces and impulsion.  Comment "A harmonious partnership. Now you need to find more energy in the basic paces to produce greater ease in the movements"  We got;
6.5 for entry (leaning on R shoulder - ?too much shoulder-fore left?)
6 for 10m circle and SI right, (on shoulders/needs to step under more)
6.5 for HP right - needs more cadance
7 for halt and rein back - on shoulders but obedient
5.5 for medium trot - flat and barely medium
7 for medium and extended walk although extended needs more purpose
6 for half piri left - more energy
6.5 for half piri right
6 for collected walk
6.5 for 10m circle and SI left (on shoulders/engagement)
5.5 for HP left - losing energy/bend
4.5 for extended trot - ouch - flat and not extended - he did try on the video but mostly ran
5.5 for transtions into and out of extended trot
7 for trot-canter at A
7 for 1st flying change
6.5 for collected canter (energy)
6.5 HP right (more jump)
6 for change R to L - hollow
6.5 for change L to R - hollow
5 for next change R to L - together behind
6.5 for collected canter
6 for HP left - more bend
7 for extended canter
6 for transitions into and out of extended canter - more trans at K
6.5 for final centre line - on R shoulder in canter - ?again, too much shoulder-fore? - was on left shoulder in lesson on Fri so poss over-compensated.

Only me in my section so a red rossie!

Loads and loads we can improve on so really encouraged to already get what I think is a good score at Advanced Medium!  I was going to be happy with anything over 55% and ecstatic with anything over 60%.  I am well aware my position still needs lots of work - my legs are flapping all over the place but my hands have definitely improved.  Hopefully the pilates is working a little bit!

Onwards to Pachesham for next two Wednesdays - first for Medium Freestyle, then for M61/M75 to get another sheet for Area Festivals.  Hopefully get some BSJA in at the weekend too.  Need to find another AM92 to enter - going to try and stick to one test at the moment - they take a lot of learning and practice at this level given I've never done it before!

The video - don't be too harsh - I'm overly aware of all my faults and am trying very hard to get better.

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