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Thursday 20 August 2015

Pachesham BD 19-08-15

Horrible weather!  Me and Monts agree on the rain - we'd just rather not!  Warmed up ok, although not feeling quite as fluent as last week.  Think a weekend of jumping isn't the ideal preparation for dressage.  First test was M61 - not ridden this since our first go at Medium back last November.  Too much trotting round the outside for my liking.  Managed the movements all ok, got a 7 for our left trot half pass and final halt.  Rest 6's and 6.5's.  He kept wiggling his bum around with the rain so first centre line wonky, medium trots didn't really happen, trot work in general needed to be more forwards, canter work was better but still felt like I was riding a wiggly worm.  The extended canter looks quite uphill on the video but still commented needs to be more - poor pony has back legs a foot longer than his front ones - only so uphill he can manage!  She did say he showed some promising work though which is a lovely comment.  List 3A judge - Pat Green.  Finished on 63.44%, first Restricted and 3rd out of 4 overall. Winner on 65.5% so not a high scoring class.  Got us a couple more points towards Regionals and the second Petplan Area Festivals sheet we needed.

Quite pleased with how he looks here:

Short walk around in the indoor school then back outside for a few simple changes before the next test - M75 - third go at this test - last ridden in January.  He was spooking and backing off on the go round the arena then a wiggly worm entering the arena in canter, Fell off to the left in the move off.  Trot work just not fluent enough.  Halt and rein back quite nice.  Walk piris came off but still need more activity.  Right canter HP quite nice, tight in the counter canter and simple changes though - too busy anticipating flying changes.  Got a 7 for the medium canter but otherwise all 6's and 6.5's.  Judge List 2 Keeva Fox commented he just wasn't moving freely forwards today.  Totally agree!  Got 61.89% and won the Restricted section by 9%!  Again, only two of us in it.  Overall the class was won on 63.% so another low scoring class.  We were 4th out of 7 Overall.  So, despite me feeling it was far from our best work we got two scores over 60%, didn't come last and got the comment that his work is promising so still feeling encouraged to keep on trying.  Just need to get him more in front of my leg and more uphill (as much as his conformation will allow).  Plus these tests need so much more practice than the lower level ones - the movements come up really quickly and need fluency between them.

Bit of a break from BD again now (just as we're getting going) as it's back to evening with Firle and Goring BE100 Regiona Finals next weekend and the weekend after.  Then we'll see whether we've qualified as to whether we do more eventing or more BD.  There is all winter for dressage so likely eventing will win although I am loving the dressage at the moment.

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