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Monday 7 March 2016

Damian Hallam lesson 21-02-16

Not the best lesson ever thanks to my very sore back following on from jumping amazing jumps a few days previously.  We had to stick to walk or canter only as trot was just a no-go.  Not great two days before the Regionals!

Main things we did were canter half pass - think about positioning the forehand in the direction of travel, having the bend in the ribcage not the neck and then getting him to take me forwards across the diagonal.  Don't try and have the body too parallel.  Use the inside leg to activate the canter.

Also, in the free walk sponge the reins out and then back in again and take them back in bigger chunks so have him back in medium walk quicker and then insist on medium walk being soft and taking me forwards straight away.

Keep the softness in the walk at all times, must be ready to trot or canter on demand.  Must go straight into an active trot/canter.  Don't waste time checking diagonal, get forwards first then check.

Always thinking of softness in trot/canter.  Use the leg to activate the hindleg and the outside rein to increase the softness. Keep working on the jump and the softness in the canter.

Be able to give and retake the reins in the canter at any time.

Shorten the canter before asking for the walk transition.

Think HP in the counter canter which allows me to ride him forwards in the counter canter rather than letting it suck back and stiffen.

Don't accept quite soft, needs to be the softest I can make him.  Always ask could he be softer?  Good is not good enough, needs to be very good.

Probably the most painful lesson I've ever had but some important learning points noted!

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