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Sunday 13 March 2016

SJL lesson 11-03-16

Worked on running through AM96 and a first run through of an Advanced test - A102.  Even wore the tailcoat just to test he was ok with it.  Exciting times!

Need to be quicker to get him straight on the diagonal lines.  He anticipates lateral work which hinders the start of the movement whether it's medium work or changes.

Ask for the change a stride before the corner marker after the medium canters in 96.  Don't leave it too late as both are followed by turning down the centre line which comes up very quickly.

Work on getting the collection/expression in the trot work - he showed some glimpses of some amazing trot - just needs the strength to maintain it.

In the changes, esp the tempi's too much neck bend still - needs to be much straighter and respond better to leg aids.

Shoulder-in - not too much angle

HP - not too much angle, keep the activity with the inside leg

Use HP to SI to HP in warmup

Keep the hindleg active even in collected paces, don't just let him slow down

In the changes really need to work on being able to lift hands up but still keep him soft and work on feel so don't need to look down!

Canter to halt on the centre line needs to be much more direct.  He must halt then can move a leg to square up but not canter to walk then halt.

Stretchy trot circle in AM96 must be sitting trot and a decent stretch

In the walk piris need to keep the inside hind more active - use schooling whip in training to tap it up

Extended walk - need to keep more of a contact and not let reins so long

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